Dtube Comedy - Stand-up - Jokes

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

There was a lady called Mrs. Mcgregor and she was very rich and very classy.
She had a maid called Maria.
Once someone called to talk with Mrs. Mcgregor.
Maria answered the phone and said: "Mrs McGregor is shitting !!!"
Then, they went to tell that to Mrs. McGregor and Mrs. Mcgregor told Maria:
"When I am in the bathroom, tell people I'm in a meeting"
They called again and Maria answered:"Mrs. Mcgregor is in a meeting"
And then they asked "Will she take long?"
Maria: "She shouldn't take....She was already farting on the way"

▶️ DTube

Caro Duarte! Para começar já está bem fixe! ahahah :)
Se aceitas uma sugestão, penso que um microfone usb de podcasting iria fazer milagres na qualidade to teu som e penso que faria toda a diferença em futuras gravações... Vou partilhar este vídeo para ver se consegues mais uns trocos para o micro! ;) Grande abraço e continua a mandar mais para a malta se rir...

ok...obrigadão...tive um acidente.....fui a pé contra um carro...e o carro era mais forte do que eu...e estive no hospital....vou gravar outro vídeo....abração

but choose a better comedian....I am just a guy who is not being well medicated

continua...tá fixe

Bruv. Comedy is great!!

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