
Bro this has to stop. You ever seen how fucking horrible polio is? Seriously Google it. Research this topic or vaccines plz!! They are NOT bad. Just because you haven't seen the HORRORS of measles or folks on iron lungs doesn't mean the few oddities with vaccines justify this rhetoric.

Here's a great explanation of my point

Seriously, with love and respect, can you look into this more? Your message could hurt people. It does. We have a measles out break in America now and there's no reason for it other than anti vaccine misinformation.

You're a good soul. Please look at this with more context on the bigger picture. ✌️❤️🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

I applaud your sentiment, but in my experience antivaxxers are immune to reason or understanding even the simplest science.

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I thought Mr. Broze would be open to logic and he seems like a soul who doesn't want to hurt people. I truly believe that if he knew he was hurting people, if he knew in his heart and head this fact as I do now, he would stop. ❤️ I have much respect for Derrick tho I may misspell his name haha that's justy bad spelling. 😝 Nonetheless, I wouldn't waste time with other ppl but I truly believe Me. Broze would be open to the truth. Thanks for the reply friend.

Also one more note, we have a moral obligation to show civil disobedience when there are unjust laws. The same concept applies to our brothers and sisters in life when they are unjust as well. Love and respect ❤️🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

"I thought Mr. Broze would be open to logic and he seems like a soul who doesn't want to hurt people"

No, I do not wish to hurt people and yes, I believe in logic.

" we have a moral obligation to show civil disobedience when there are unjust laws. "

Indeed, and this video is about people standing against efforts by the state to force vaccinate them (or any other action backed by force, coercion, or violence.

While there are reasons to question the safety of vaccinations (just search my videos and articles), but this video is focused on the philosophy behind allowing the government to forcibly medicate people. If you support that, I don't know how you can claim to care about not hurting people or wanting to spread love.

So without getting into the science, tell me what you want to know?

"You ever seen how fucking horrible polio is?"

never mentioned polio or called for banning polio or vaccines at large.

"Seriously Google it."

Please stop using google and use duckduckgo or an alternative.

"Research this topic or vaccines plz!! They are NOT bad. Just because you haven't seen the HORRORS of measles or folks on iron lungs doesn't mean the few oddities with vaccines justify this rhetoric."

Do you even know my position?

First, thank you for your response. I entered into this dialogue to learn more about your opinion and perhaps even to change my own thoughts or your thoughts. Either way, I hope we both gain value from this discourse.

I will say when you have an image as the cover for the video with anti-vaccine signs, assumptions are made. While this may be wrong, it's human nature. I am conscious of those assumptions now though and hopefully will have them set aside sufficiently.

I agree the state should not oppress but the state exists for three reasons in my mind. I am not an antichrist. I believe in small gov't though. The gov't should protect its citizen's life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. I say this so we can work from the same starting point. If you'd like me to discuss from a perspective of anarchy, I'd be happy to but I am not now. I also admit that I have little experience with anarchist views, most of which are from you ha!

**I then ask, in a philosophical manner, if someone does not get vaccinanted b/c of their beliefs and I get sick from them- is that not an encroachment of my own personal liberties? Is it not the gov't job to protect my life from others who choose not to get a vaccine?

I guess since you brought it up, I'd like to know your opinion on vaccines and why exactly the gov't shouldn't mandate them? Why is it so bad to force ppl to not get others sick? Is this coming from a place that's along the tune, "gov't is bad. All things gov't does is bad. Therefore, gov't doing this is bad." That opinion I can understand and respect. However, the scientific argument behind vaccines is a math problem in my mind. How many ppl got sick before them? How many after? To what degree did people get sick before? After? What was the overall damage done before vaccines? After vaccines?

Please don't get off topic with google. My use of Google is my own choice, while the company may do wrong things in the world, It has 0 to do with the vaccine conversation. I fear you or others will see this and think >> look at this "google using corporate shill of a man". That is not my intention. Truth is my intention and specifically truth regarding the topic of vaccines. I feel I have an obligation to strike this dialogue up with you because I respect you and I also believe you have a pure heart which is oddly refreshing for politics. This pure heart I believe allows for dialogue which would be a waste of time with many others. I hope you do not take offense to my harsh language and only see it as my passion for the world and a lust for life, which I know you have within you as well.

I look forward to hearing more from you. I hope together we can find the truth within the political issue of vaccines, mandates, the anti-vaxxer movement as a whole, and what role gov't should play in this.

Thank you for your time, good sir. Blessing to you!

Google is censored. If Google serves as your primary source of info, your knowledge and understanding is limited to the agenda driven search engine. Google is a tool of big government/corporations.

Called this one didn't I?

Posted using Partiko Android

You won't find the whole truth via Google. What did you call?

what does anti-vaxxer even mean?

Somebody who is opposed to vaccinations

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it's another silly way to demonize and collectivize a varied group of people who have questions about vaccinations for a variety of reasons or who are against forced vaccinations.

Where do you get that from my definition?

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Plus, if you don't get vaccinatated and I get sick because of it >> is that not you enroaching my personal liberties?

Interesting thought and I have similar sediments for health care in general, costs don't go away bc people opt out of insurance.

Nonetheless, if you'd like to have a serious conversation about why I'm begging you to stop spreading this message I'd love to. I'm based in Denver but we can chat anywhere via the lovely world wide web.

Peace and love to you.

Posted using Partiko Android

4 people have died from measles since 1988 in US. Over 450 have had injuries or death from the MMR vaccine. Big Pharma is the #1 lobbyist in Washington. Big Pharma owns the government and the media. Be cautious with dogmatic thinking. If the government is really looking out for us, why did they allow big tobacco to infiltrate Washington via lobbying and have media and doctor's tell the public that cigarettes were safe. Why is round up still being sold after Monsanto has been found guilty for their product causing cancer? Even after all of the lies and mis management of our tax dollars(hegemonic policies), people still trust big industry and government? It's incredible. Look up Suzanne Humphries. She along with many other reputable sources will help remove the blinders from those still in the dark and marching along to the current mainstream thought processes... These diseases were drastically reduced BEFORE vaccines were introduced. Big pharma with the help of federal govt agencies who swap positions regularly (revolving door syndrome) are distorting history to better suite their own narrative in order to push their agenda in order to maximize profits and assist with population control. Do your homework, stay vigilant and keep an open mind. Lastly... Countries with the highest rates of vaccination happen to also have the highest infant mortality rates as well. No such thing as a coincidence. How could pumping massive amounts of chemicals and living strands of diseases be beneficial to a delicate new and perfect as is system. Eat well, deep breathe, take hikes and grow some food. Love you all

Okay well I will try here out of love friend. First, I say this with love, remember that. Second, your argument is literally all over the place friend. And third many things you say are factually incorrect. For example, there were over half a million deaths in 1990 for measles in America alone. No such thing as a coincidence? What is the whole study of statistics then?

Bottom line, you are hurting people by saying vaccines are bad. Yes, I said. You. Are. Hurting. People. So please slow down with all your different points, focus on the vaccines. Fuck the govt. Millions of scientist, doctors, and brilliant people say vaccines are good. How could they all be doing something so malicious. That is simply not possible.

What is simple tho. Science is science. Vaccines are good and save lives. If you spread false info about vaccines, you are hurting people. Please don't hurt people. Remember I say all this with love ❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

*Seven to eight million children are thought to have died from measles each year before the vaccine was introduced."

You are hurting people if you say vaccines are bad. Please don't hurt people.

Source for the 7-8 million -

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You are speaking of science that is financed by big pharma... Biased perhaps?

As stated in original post, the infant mortality rate is highest in Nations with highest rates of vaccination... No such thing as coincidence... Meaning there is a causal connection which is what statistics are about. I don't understand your argument.

Huge, huge, HUGE difference between causality and correlation my friend go duckduckgo those terms up and see for yourself

Posted using Partiko Android

I believe the term in question is coincidence... Anyway, vaccines are simply another subject of great polarization for the people. Divide and conquer

I'd say it's another misinformation campaigns to trick us.

As far as offending you, you are hurting people if you believe and spread the message of the anti-vaxxers. ✌️

Posted using Partiko Android

Your mind is locked up... I pray you are able to have an open mind one day and question authority/think for yourself. Be safe out there

I could easily say the same thing about those pushing vaccines... Vaccines hurt children. Paralyze, create chronic sicknesses, weakened immune systems long term and kill. Those are facts. Look in to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

Actually I am helping people by keeping an open mind and questioning the mainstream narrative. Read Suzanne Humphries book, "dissolving illusions" or at the very least, listen to some of her videos /talks. Your empty insults go through me, no worries.

Where did I insult you friend?

Posted using Partiko Android

You told me I am hurting people.

Perhaps you're projecting this insult because I read my messages again and aside from the melodramatic first entry I had about hurting ppl with an anti-vaccine message because I have submitted different facts than your beliefs are. When our beliefs are challenges it is very uncomfortable. Anywho, thanks for the recommendation.

I wish you peace friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

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This is worrying there is talk not of kids being banned from school if they are not vaccinated! Although I don't agree with our schooling system the implications of this decision are very scary indeed 💯🐒

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