
When you said that you don't understand how an intelligent person can believe that elections are real, something came to mind.

The "Diet Doctor," Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt from is all about the keto diet. I myself am on the keto diet and so is my wife. My wife has lost over 80 pounds in about 8 months. If you go on reddit or facebook groups there are endless before and after photos of people. Many of which are people losing over 100 lb. So, the results are super obvious. It doesn't matter what scientists or celebrities or anybody says, they evidence is apparent.

Not only does the diet work but it turns previous understanding of a healthy balanced diet on its head, literally. The food pyramid is more accurate turned upside down.

I didn't join the keto diet for weight loss. I've been on it about a year because of the all the other benefits. Everyone on the diet notices them. Still, people speak out against it.

The evidence is overwhelming and yet people come face to face with the results and will not accept it as true. It makes you scratch your head and ask how an intelligent person can witness simple obvious facts and go on to deny them. It's no longer about convincing the person, it is now about getting them to accept reality. That's much more difficult than winning the logical argument.

Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt gives a speech and addresses this. He says that it is very frustrating and that scientists are very familiar with it.

It's like inertia. People cling to their opinions. Everyone does. Why we do it, I have no idea. If something is proven wrong we should obviously let it go for our own benefit, but we don't, or at least have trouble doing so.

Scientists are familiar with this idea in the way that if there is some new drug or method or paradigm that requires ditching an old habit, they will not expect it to be adopted by the present generation. They will expect it to be adopted by the following.

The Paul Craig Roberts fans attacked you because you challenged their paradigm. For every one of those foaming-at-the-mouth comments you likely had multiple that considered both sides. Intelligent, responsible people are typically less impulsive.

Keep your head up while your words sink in. Most will respect you in the long run. Some will cling to past ideas longer and harder than others.

I think an important thing to keep in mind, when you are talking to Trump supporters - is how dedicated they are to their belief that Trump is taking on the Deep State(TM) on their behalf. Think about it - you are trying to convince them that nobody is going to save them. You are trying to convince them that their biggest fear (an omnipotent totalitarian state) doesn't actually have anything substantial opposing it. That's a really hard pill for them to swallow. For them to realize that Trump is just a blowhard narcissist, who the Deep State(TM) rolled in like a Trojan Horse, they need to literally throw away any hope they have for a brighter future. It's pretty much worthless to debate with them about it. "How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and [how] hard it is to undo that work again." - Mark Twain

Good stuff, Derrick!

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