
Well said, and it's always dismaying to see how the 'alternative' media is roped into covering the same distractions. I don't waste my time with these types of polarizing, emotional and sensational non-stories / nonsense. Any one of these stories you present here on their own is far more important and worth people's time and attention.

Way to cut through the BS Derick!

It’s not difficult to deceive a dumbed down distracted populous however real journalists should know as soon as a bullshit story like the MAGA kids gets so much attention the PTB will be burying more important news...

Absolutely, I actually haven't read anything about it but just from the amount of attention it's getting I see this fabrication everywhere!

How are you my friend?! Glad to know you're still lurking ;)

I’m good thanks mate, it’s good to see you’re still lurking too.
Gotta support those trying to get the truth out.

hi dbroze
im in agreement with lots you say especially about dont fall for trump hes working with the media bankers and libtards hand in hand
heres something you should know about 5g that you probably dont know or agree with but in saying that there is the option of turning 5g into a lethal weapon check this out and let me know what you think

ive been reading these people for a long long time and they are very reputable
i also thought exactly what you thought about 5g and for sure the possibility is there but there is no danger to us with this tehnology
we can always put on yellow vests and tear the shit down like they are tearing down speed trap cameras in france
cheers bud have a good day dbroze and keep doing what your doing i wish people would wake up about trump same garbage as clinton aboma and bush

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