Trump Will Personally Save $15 Million Under New Tax Bill

in #dtube7 years ago

He told us this bill was bad for him. Does he mean bad in that it save him $30 million but instead only $15 million? Draining the swamp, right?

▶️ DTube

I think Trump always can not be consistent.

He is very consisant at lying and Tweeting at least.

Is he growing a mullet?

When people were talking about Trump isnt part of the establishment, he will shake things up, I was shaking my head but at that time I could have been mistaken. Now its clear he is out to save money for the rich and cut benefits for the poor but people still talk like he is helping the average man.

Are people blind or just trolling me?

The people that believe and support Trump will always be there. They live in a fake world where Trump is smart and doing a good job. Trump is in there to break the system to profit.

The troubling thing about this is that no one is challenging Trump on this to his face. You would think that there would be one person out there with backbone to ask, "Mr. President, please walk us through how this tax bill would hurt you or cost you money, because most people think that you will save anywhere from 4.5 to 11 million dollars because of it."

It's like living in an Orwellian world of doublethink. The autocrat speaks, and whatever he says is deemed to be true, despite the fact that it is obviously false. There's never any proof or evidence, just a blinding devotion to the cult of personality. You would think that a country like America would be smart enough not to fall for a con artist like Trump.

@terenceplizga Yes, someone needs to grow a pair, step up and challenge his lackluster proposals because they are so one-dimensional in the scope of reality... unbelievable

He will save a lot more than that just off the death tax. I bet he takes advantage while he can and give his wealth away to his kids while he is still alive. I also wouldn't doubt it if he ran for POTUS just for this reason and this reason only and then resigns after he completes the process.

Get real! Trump makes more that $15M per year in interest. Stop watching the MSM and you will open your eyes.

It's fascinating that such a short comment can contain so many logical fallacies. "Trump makes more than $15 m in interest" is a red herring and irrelevant. "Stop watching the MSM" is a failed attempt at an ad hominem, that fails anyway. Sad!

Bottom line for you: cannot make logic because you have Trump derangement syndrome...can you understand this?

He looks not to care either way:

Donald Trump Spent $90 Million In Taxpayer Money On Golf Trips, Enough To House About 5,000 Homeless Veterans

the tax bill was ment to skim the poor and middle class and give it to the rich, he was playing with people mind , i fear for the republicans in the mid terms election, they might loose big

Mestipun saya tidak mengerti bahasa inggris, tapi disaat saya melihat gambar trump saya lansung teringat keputusan sepihak yang di lakukan trump pada negara palestina, dan hal itu sangat banyak orang membencinya.

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