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RE: What Is Kekistan? Co-Creator of Kek Meme Speaks Out... (This Meme Is A Little Out Of Hand!)

in #dtube7 years ago

Ah, I remember a story about a student. It was a liberal-leaning teacher shaming the guy in front of the other students. The teacher wanted to blame him for something absurd but the guy said that's normal in his country.

The teacher asked about his country and then the guy replied: "I'm from Kekistan". Also behaved as if he is surprised because the teacher hasn't heard about the country. Eventually, he got a free pass and an apology from the teacher.

Sounded Middle-Eastern, free pass. Identity politics is getting out of hand... :D

What's next, a man says "I'm a woman." and he can go into toilets/changing rooms/bathrooms for women? Oh, wait.


I think the absurdism is the root cause of the problem there. absurdity has just as much of a right to exist as any other form of thought. :)

Yup, it has the right for sure. But the problem starts when the absurd becomes normal. If a big % of a country's population think that the absurd is totally normal, then the normal will slowly become the new absurd. :D It's odd though to read these stories and see this mentality. Like the sexist air conditioner, or the scientist guy who was bashed for wearing a shirt with some drawn women on it, "all men are evil" or that border control laws are xenophobic, etc. etc.... :D It's quite unbelievable, to be honest(and I guess it is unbelievable too for lots and lots of people in those countries). It emerges in my country too but most of the population here is far from that thinking. It's like diving into a new world. I was like "no way they are serious" for a while but yeah, they are.

Absurdity is somewhat subjective and what may appear absurd in one moment might not appear absurd once all the details are filled in. Equally though, yes, there are many claims made that are absurd to me, based on what I know and feel - but I don't assume that I know everything and it is quite possible that I have missed something important that would cause me to think again.

If we end judgement and denial then pretty much all these issues end immediately, but a lot of people are heavily invested in judgement and the results of their thoughts and actions that have arisen as a result of their judgements and associated denials. No judgements also means no bashing and generally also more understanding and balance.

As someone who grew up watching 'monty python', I appreciate absurdity's value in life though - providing it's a very prim and proper form of absurdity.. none of that cheap, imported absurdity :)

To tell the truth, this is a really complex issue and really difficult(for me for sure) to come to a "yup, this is how we should fix it" conclusion because of all the different variables. I believe that most emotions and behaviours are in us for a reason.

The wrong is always in the extremes. i.e. Extreme tolerance vs extreme intolerance. Both are foolish. I don't think judgement in itself is a bad thing. It depends on so many things.

  1. These people judge those people.
  2. Alright, let's find out why.
  3. List of logical explanations.
  4. Then we can evaluate if that judgement stands on solid grounds or 100% bs.
  5. Conclusion. (If it stands on solid grounds? Then let's figure out how to fix it. But that doesn't really happen, people are too busy attacking each other.)

What I don't like is the "jumping to conclusions way too soon" phenomenon. Without even thinking something trough... "He/she must be [racist, bigot, xenophobe, xyxyphobe, etc.]." 1 and then 5 instantly. The reasons don't matter. Point 2, 3 and 4 are nowhere. Legit problems are swept under the rug every day because of this.

Probably my favourite scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

The Pontius Pilate scene in the Life of Brian is also great. :D

yes, it is a complex topic. behaviours have causes, but that does not mean that they are all necessary or beneficial. emotions are responsive and they are all responding to something and need to be understood.

judgements are thoughtforms which are rigid and which always deny something, so in logical terms they represent the inclusion of error. there is no way around that, despite what favourable judgements have said about judgement itself!

judgements need to be understood, yes, but that does not mean they are valuable.
almost no-one has had experience of being completely free of judgements and so we typically don't have understanding yet of the depth of problems that they are causing us. i have learned from experience that it is massively better to just remain open to the awareness that we don't know everything, rather than being triggered into attempting to fill in the gaps for convenience or some other reason.

what is extreme to one may not be extreme to another and in some situations it is only through choosing the extreme that we might survive at all. the key is to know what is needed and to choose it. some people consider it extreme to only eat fruits and vegetables but many more know that doing so extends their life and improves their health.

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