Corporal Punishment Bill Vetoed By President Duterte

in #dtube5 years ago


President Duterte had vetoed (Like Saying Nope, Thou Shalt Not Pass) the bill of prohibiting the spanking, etc. of children to discipline them. Here in my country it is acceptable to spank (with care) children if they would commit bad deeds just to discipline them.

For me it is not good to prohibit the spanking or corporal punishment of children because it will do them more harm than good if they are not disciplined with regards to instilling them to do what is right in their lives so that they will not to turn to be little brats that are hard-headed and doesn't respect the law or anyone of authority.

In the bible there is a passage that spanking will do good to a child and it reads;

Proverbs 13:24 New King James Version (NKJV)
24 He who spares his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him [a]promptly.

In another passage we can learn:

Proverbs 23:13-14 King James Version (KJV)
13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.

So disciplining a child with a rod is biblical but it doesn't mean that it is a child abuse as it means that you beat the child with care so that they would turn into a respectful and law-abiding part of society.

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Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices cryptopie, porque es bíblico,
como también es fundamental enseñarle de la palabra
de Dios (Jehová) desde muy temprana edad;de hecho en
Deuteronomio 6:6 y 7 dice a los progenitores: “ Y estas palabras que te estoy
enseñando hoy tienen que resultar estar sobre tu corazón
y , y tienes que inculcarlas en tu hijo y hablar de ellas cuan-
do te sientesen tu casa y cuando andes por el camino y
cuando te acuestes y cuando te levantes”.De esta manera
crecerán siendo buenos hijos y por ende buenos ciudadanos.

I can't stand the thought of spanking. I could never do that to my son or any child. I know some places it is "acceptable" but no, that dose not make it right by any means.

Showing a child that violence is an an acceptable form of control from an authority figure, is not a good lesson for kids to learn.
A never ending cycle of violence in society...

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