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RE: Central Banks Buying Bitcoin + Yellow Vest French Bank Run

in #dtube6 years ago

The bad thing about a yellow vest bank run is that it will only help cement the idea in gov that crypto is very bad stuff for bad people along with the alleged use by paedos, launderers, organized crime, tax dodgers, cybercriminals, sanction evaders, and last but not least, terrorists. Who else have I left off the list? :-)

So while I always welcome more people buying bitcoin and crypto, it would be preferable under another context. This kinda campaign only plays into the hands of the folks who think there are not enough regulation already i.e. like the Winklevoss Bros who have been running the much maligned advertising campaign recently on buses in NYC, you know, that guff about crypto needing rulez - OK!


Under another context the motivation is too weak IMO

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