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RE: The Noob Night Crypotocast - The Best HODL Of 2018?

in #dtube5 years ago

It's such a privilege to have two old (pardon, young) wolves from Wall Street here on Steem :)
Anyways, congratulations on BNB trades, and Jon, don't worry about selling some... actually, that amount that you have sold is your REAL profit... It doesn't count as profit until you withdraw it... And, I hope that investment in STEEM is a good choice ... for the sake of all of us :)

And the other important thing for all of the comments readers... If YOU are here on Steem, and you don't know what to do here... Firstly, visit , and second, BUILD some content... Write something, post a picture, make a video... And create more value for the STEEM and create more STEEM coins for yourself..



appreciate the recommendation man :) and obviously i agree lol

yeah i was in a steem buying frenzy around this time last year and it kept going throughout the bear market.

still happening for me today too. cause if steem goes lower i’m stocking up lolol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Same thing here... Selling some TRX and buying STEEM.... :) At this point, both are falling, but I believe in our community here, more than any other out there!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 66507.45
ETH 3328.17
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69