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RE: Pushing Through The Muck Of Trying To Exist

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

I totally agree.

I am far from perfect, but having had a number of people try to define my life for me, in the end, I simply moved on.

They were clearly looking out for their own best interests; not mine.

I am an unconventional person, from a family of unconventional people, and I'm okay with that. I've never been interested in conforming to someone else's expectations, including those of my family.

And, with all its highs and lows, I've lived a far more interesting and fulfilling life than many.

I wouldn't trade it.


That is amazing that you recognized it was happening,and were able to change it!

Yeah, well it was typically a long and painful process, and I put up with way more BS than I should have before standing toe to toe and saying "Enough."

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