EOS Settles 24 Million Dollar Fine - Did THEY Approach the SEC?

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)


Big news in the world of crypto today that EOS, or more specifically Block.One settled with the SEC for 24 million dollars. This is a big moment for the EOS community and in this video, I discuss why I think this is an overall positive thing and why It wouldn't actually surprise me if Block.One was the one to approach the SEC in the first place.

Link to the SEC press release here 👉🏼https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2019-202

I hope you guys enjoyed this video and hearing my perspective on the topic! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

XO, Lea

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File not found on the SEC site 🎃

Posted using Partiko Android

Try the link again! I just updated it because when I loaded the video onto Dtube from Youtube... it cut it off. :)

I tried it as well. File not found

Posted using Partiko Android

The link has been updated. 👍🏼

I also think it is positive for EOS and it reduces risk. It might make owning EOS easier for those of us in the US. Maybe with this settled it will be able to trade on Bittrex.

I was wondering why the price shot up 10%. The SEC is only a civil regulatory agency so it doesn't really provide that much protection, they just like oh you in our framework cool. If they decide tomorrow something was deemed illegal they can still go back or even make it a federal case.

Which is why I don't often by these announcements at face value. I realise some chains will have to make the deals with the devil so that others don't have to and I respect that.

Interesting theory there!

you have a good point, It is important to get all their ducks in order if they want to launch Voice which will be a much harder sell. They need to be squeaky clean when it comes to legal stuff now that everyone is watching post Libra.

i would have to agree with you
nobody gets through unless they pay the criminal elite even if they try
i liked EOS a lot cause they did not file with the SEC now im not so bullish on them but i bought at under .50 cents canadian so im good either way but have slowly been getting rid of them
the SEC should be eliminated just like the CIA FBI(founded by a pedophile) DEA EPA TSA ect ect ect
nothing but a bunch of satanic criminal institutions and one of them founded by a pedophile
its a joke people are so brainwashed on what true freedom is
good post and have a great day

and the guy from block one could quite possibly be a pedophile also if you look into his history
another reason i dont care for EOS too much anymore
sold a lot at 15 dollars and took my money and ran
i dont like supporting people like that and if i knew beforehand i probably would not have even bought any since for me its not about the money

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