Where We're Going, We Don't NEED Roads!

in #dtube7 years ago

Why do we feel we need the things we think we need in the first place? Are our desires even our own? In this clip from his interview on The Last American Vagabond, James discusses the false ideals that are programmed into society by the social engineers.

CLICK HERE to watch/listen to the full conversation.

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@corbettreport Another wonderful post, thank you for that. I absolutely agree that we have been conditioned and many false ideals are being programmed into society. They try to make us think we need even more material possessions in order to achieve true happiness, but that's never the case.

They actually want to keep us enslaved into debt and occupied working 24/7 in order to pay for everything we buy and use, so that we have no time to think about what's going on in the world or how we could change things. The elite want you to have no time for thought, they need you broke, occupied and enslaved. That's the reason why the government always tries to prevent people from obtaining wealth.

I'm really glad I discovered your blog , you do speak my thoughts on many occasions.
Keep doing what you do!

Highest Regards

"many false ideals are being programmed into society"
This is the reason why western countries have systematically been dechristianized: people who live by the Ten Commandments and think about God's role in our lives realize that accumulating material goods does not make for happy people, stable families and healthy societies.

Wondering if you've had a chance to check out the Corbett Report web page and his you tube or bit chute channels because all the information James provides gives the truther perspective all the focus it needs to keep those who are blind to the truth, and those that just can't handle said truth forever doubting their perception of what the truth really is.
If you have a list of people to turn to when it comes to getting the facts, might I suggest you put this man at the very top of it because he's a wealth of knowledge, and an asset to us like no other!

I have always found your reports informative and to the point. This one, again was amazingly insightful.

People in general don't think very far into the future. The head of GM, entering the revolving door of Corporation, to Government certainly was.

You are right on target, I have been seeing this 1950's paradigm for far to long. We shouldn't need roads, yet we still build them and use fossil fuels, just the way it was planned.

As a person raised in wilderness, I can state you grossly underestimate the utility of roads.

They may be poorly developed, according to the needs of corporations, rather than we, the people, but we need roads.

I suggest you try to move goods from wherever you are to some other place without using roads, to establish this fact for yourself.

As someone who has moved building materials to construction sites without roads, I can assure you that you will learn stuff.

The video was about being manipulated into a retarded state, without advancement in transportation because of the interest of the corporatocracy.

Thinking outside of the box, what new and beneficial discoveries have been sequestered under the guise of, "National Security?"

What if you found out today that your government had been lying to you for over seventy years, about technology that could have delivered your building supplies without the use of a combustion engine?

Better yet, what if you didn't need any supplies at all? What if you could have created your construction on site, with the materials at hand?

I do know the gummint has been lying, for longer than that. However, what I was responding to specifically was your comment.

" We shouldn't need roads, yet we still build them..."

Even if we had hot air balloons, or H2, or something else that would levitate us without infernal combustion, roads would still be necessary, although fewer of them.

There are such technologies, and have been for more than seventy years, but they're not always economical, and just packing materials on foot was what I was paid to do.

It was less work and expense for the job than alternatives. Such things always eventuate, and usually draw grumbles. No matter how we design the infrastructure we use, and what technologies we employ, sometimes just carrying stuff across the ground is the best way to do something.

I do see the value in a more simple way of accomplishing a task. When the mountain in front of my home was slated to be clear cut, a better way was found that would cause less erosion and destruction of the land.

Mule teams were brought in, no logging roads were necessary. Selective cutting of the old growth also left behind smaller brush and trees, to hold the soil in place. It's recovered to the point that you would never know it was harvested.

I didn't say that we didn't need roads, I said that we shouldn't need them. Unless we remove the obstacles that have built an empire on old technology, new technology will never see the light of day.

Without roads, we can't have towns.

I just followed you hehe

You can just look at disasters such as the hurricane that hit in Houston. It was the community that came in and made food for people and helped to clean up homes. We do not need the government. We DO need each other and our communities. Get out of debt, quit being a consumer, grow a garden and build up communities. That will quite literally change the world.

@corbettreport It was your inspiration to think outside the box that has brought me to Steemit. Thanks for continuing to bring context and inspire!

Even in Star Wars there were roads and people lived underground and in mud huts. A land speeder flies at all of 2 feet off the ground and targeting systems were impossibly inaccurate. The fantasy they fed us in '77' was a little off but the rebellion part might come back to bite them in the end.

Thank you for the insight that we need to deprogram ourselves and our loved ones, especially the next generation. Becoming aware of the behind the scenes manipulation of our society and our minds is an integral part of this deprogramming effort.

The censorship is becoming ever more overt: please do double down on your efforts this year!

I think it's all built around a pyramid scheme of a banking system, where it's very easy for this social engineers to manipulate and engineer information in a way that serves their purpose of being in power. He who controls the money controls everything.

That is all about to change now as more and more we start to decentralize the power structures, and help each other more with knowledge about to this things to shape a better future.

How much of what you know did you learn for your self?

I question everything. I don't believe anything, or discount anything that I haven't researched myself. It's the healthy and rational way to behave IMHO.

nice post man <3
always keep sharing your experience <3

Our desires are our own because we choose what we want,nice video thank you.

I will love to watch the video but my phone can't play it.. Yes where we are going we don't need road but we might need wings to fly.. this is what's baffling me how its going to happen where everyone will have to fly in the air. Before that time comes where have to live on earth and road is part of what links other town and country together. Without the help of our government things will be hard for the people living there. A good government will always listen to the cries of the masses

A "good" government is a LOCAL government with LIMITED powers. Bureaucrats residing in the imperial capital are unaccountable to all but their powerful masters behind the curtains, but a government run by our friends and neighbors can't get away with lots of funny business.

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