No, US Banks Are Not Terrified of Chinese Payment Apps - #PropagandaWatch

in #dtube5 years ago


Bloomberg would have us believe that the banksters are quaking in their boots over the possibility that Chinese-style payment apps and a truly cashless economy will be making its way to the West in the near future. But is this the banksters' nightmare or their ultimate dream come true? Find out in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.

▶️ DTube

3 days in on my YouTube boycott. Thank you for using DTube James.

Good for you! Keep it up.. I actively avoid themtube and gurgle when I can. Now I only access them through steemit when someone uses it to host their video.

I hope you watched this video. IT IS A MUST SEE!

For anyone who saw the video and is reading this take note.
We are at a cross road in history. You are reading this post from the steem Blockchain.

steem has the ability to bypass the banksters game with something THEY don't control..

All we have to do is use it and say to them.. "Go pound sand in your ass!"

But we have to use it.

Use it or lose it..

@corbettreport Good work. As always you are on the REAL point here.
I would really like to see you do something on how we could use crypto to free ourselves from this tyranny.

Thank you. It was weird learning a new system but we all have to make the effort.

It gets easier as it goes along, you find new tools for the things you need or want to do.

Have you been introduced to ? I think it's the most useful tool when it comes to this Blockchain as far as seeing what's going on.

The original news article is so misleading. Even in its details. I have lived in China for around a year and a half. To use WeChat and Alipay, the two main payment apps everyone uses, you NEED to have a bank account. You "charge" your payment app through your bank account. Them saying that all Chinese use these apps and, in the same breath, say that many don't have bank accounts made me laugh.

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