My saddest video on Dtube - Strong people also need motivation

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

I barely could post this video because it's sad.

I usually motivate and inspire people, but now I need that.

I'm one of the most upvoted steemians by dtube, but my earning in dollars is about $3 a day.

As an investor, investing in steem and keeping it when the price will go high, it's good.

But as an earner to pay our bills and feed our families and to make it happy is not enough.

It's sad to say, but I will not be as active in steem as before, and I can't be full steemians anymore.

I will need more ways of income in the web. We have so much opportunities out there.

Even in term of traffic it's good for steem if we will be active somewhere else and promote it there.

Strong people also need motivation sometimes, so give me a good reason to be active here.

I'm glad that we have some much supporters in @dcooperation, but @clixmoney also needs some support.

I'm not talking about material support here, but the spiritual one, maybe even psychological.

I never visited a psychologue in my life, but I had a little conversation with one.

I always thought that the best psychologues is ourselves.

Anyway those all the thoughts, I have, so if you want to understand more, please watch the video.

I wish you all the best ... .

You are always welcome to join our community @dcooperation. ☺

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Follow our team @cryptospa, @kawaiicrush , @soufiani and @eaglespirit.

You can also vote for @igormuba as a witness here : . Contact him and he can host your videos on @dtube and they will be always on there. You can find him as igormuba#6942 on discord.


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▶️ DTube

I'm so saddened to hear your normal happy nature in a sad mood my friend!
We can always talk offline if you'd like to, or even do another collab soon. As you know; I've been on YouTube (which is how I found Dtube), for the last 12 years, and always monetized until early last year (now finally restored at Christmas time, which was THE gift I really wanted!), but even so, at best I made $10 per MONTH on average. The difference between this and that platform, is youtube is basically PERPETUAL, whereas dtube isn't. In fairness, Youtube has many years to it's advantage, even though I see lots of people making money here on Dtube (I still can't work out a LOT of how STEEM works on here).

Maybe, you might find some of what I said on my recent 'Reaching Your Dreams' video (both platforms, plus bitchute (which I've never made a cent from yet)...I do hope you cheer up mate, even though I fully understand why you're feeling 'down' right now - all market based incomes always have and always will fluctuate.
Speak to me ANY TIME, as you are my very favourite Dtuber / Steemer!!

Thanks a lot for your support and your donation. That means a lot to me. I'm glad we can open our heart here in dtube and hear all positive feedback from people. I feel much better now. Thanks a lot for caring. ☺

I DO care - and like I said, setup a link on bitchute so I can help out a tiny bit more.

No I have that - I mean enable monetization in your Bitchute...

Hey, if you wanna talk just tell me a day, we can have brainstorms together and see what can we do to help you grow on other fields! I like the idea of you starting on other social medias, maybe you could try Youtube? You would with time maybe be able to make money there and also onboard people to Steem.
I know sometimes life is tough, here in Brazil salaries are not good and prices are high, so I also have to hustle all day, my daily life is studying and working hard to make a living and help my parents but I honestly understand you that it is hard, some times I wake up feeling like I can't do anything, I don't want to, but I have to.

I wish you can find more motivation soo, and you get more good ideas too, we all know that in the end the "Steem career" pays off, but yes, in the meanwhile it is tough, we make too little money, we grow too slow, and we have to eat, we can't eat food from the future when Steem will be $10, we need food from the present when Steem is worth too little, and it is hard.

Thanks for the motivation. I understand you as well, I was a student and it's even harder. I live better now, but having a child and thinking about his future all the time is not easy as well. I'm on youtube and I have there about 900 subscribers, but they turn off the monitization and I need at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 views per month to make it on again. I post there all the interviews to promote steem, but I see it not enough, I have to create much more videos on youtube to eanr something. I realize that money is really important in our lives, even if a lot of people here don't consider that and they keep telling that money is not the most important. I don't think that they are here mostly because an other reason, but it's a kind of show off or show up. Anyway, thanks for the nice comment, I always hope for the best and I will never give up. I'm 33 years old and I've seen in my life so much things. Thanks for being a nice friend and a good steemian.

I know this situation is really hard and i hope everything will be okay. I know this is not correct time and you are doing so much for the community , community needs you, we need you. Please don't feel bad, we are always with you and i hope things gonna be change soon...

My best wishes are always with you and your family..

Thanks a lot, hearing that you need me make me very motivated. Thanks a lot, I hope it's the case of more people in the community. Glad you know that I'm doing my best to the community. Thanks for your wishes, I wish you all the best as well. ☺

Well, everything will be okay. Just keep faith and i know you are full steemian now but for current situation may be you can try to work on youtube or instagram or any freelancing work.. just a suggestion my friend..

It will not motivate you and bring you down. Yes. it will capture the truth. I understand you because I have family and many duties. Looking at your video, I think what he's talking about !? But this is not just a 10 minute movie. We spend a lot of time here 4-7 hours a day. On the other hand, you're doing great and look at long-term investments. Personally, I am waiting for tomorrow for my next meeting because I'm disappointed. Big dtube family and I got 0 answers. I'm going to the account of a friend from Dtube family and here 6 selfvotes in one day! I am disappointed with this person's attitude! His SP is big and dtube upvote regular him contest. This makes me very demotivated when I see such behaviors. I know what you feel. The most important family. Always family and children.


Posted using Partiko Android

I'm here creating almost daily videos, sometimes more than one video a day for more than 8 months. The first days being on dtube also was hard and I didn't receive a lot of comments, but by time I start to get them more and more. I think you need also to comment others to be commented. You need to join communities and participate in their contests and collaborations. You need to not care a lot about what others are doing. Do your best to improve and to grow without losing so much time. Think about priorities like I'm doing now. Do what make you more happy. Of course family is the most important that we have to take care about. Thanks for your comment. I wish you all the best.

Hey Clix i know exactly how you feel right now! i felt like this sometimes. since i am self emplyed and an entrepreneur, people think i must be rich. but the truth is, struggle most of the time. my business i not running well and steem is not stable in price so i was brainstorming for side business income. Some ideas where driving for Uber (you could steem on while waiting for clients) or try to akquire companies and offer them to run their social media (new markets). i hope this inspired somehow, i wish you lots of strength and if i can help you somehow, just hit me up.

Thanks a lot, when I watch your videos I always get inspired. I'm happy you commented. My problem is that I counted on steem a lot the last year, and I was almost sure that the price will go up. But as you see it's still going down and some apps even are willing to leave it and whales and dolphins as well, they are even powering down. Also I saw them adding advertisement, I mean they want to add it in steemit. Imagine all the time we spend here inviting people and telling them that it's a free add platform, will be full of ads. I don't think they will share with us that income and even if they do it will be very tiny. Anyway, I still hope for the best and I still hope they will do their best to attract more investors and to do things right. We are a simple minnows, we can't make that big change to steem, but whales and steemit team can if they do their best.

It must suck for you guys that were making a decent enough wage. For me when I joined the platform 7-8 months ago I was making 80-100 dollars on some videos but not enough that I ever considered it a living.

Fingers crossed it rises again

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, that was a great time, but everyone has his situation in his life. For me living in Russia and earning 100 dollars a day is just a dream, for some countries is even wealth. I saw what's happening with dstors, it's a war of whales I guess. We have more important problems in steem that's why I don't care too much about what hapening in trending page.

Yeah it was indeed, it’ll be back eventually we’ve just got to see this storm through. Yeah 100 dollars a day is my salary where I work so if I could get that here also that would be a dream indeed 😀

You’re right though those arguments are just the tip of the iceberg tbh, just gotta have faith and work hard 😊

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:( i always knew you as the one who motivate others, and now by watching the video it looks like you need a serious help, i know I'm not the right to say something about this but feel like your brother talking to you! Being a full time steemian is frustrating during this bear what we need to do as human being is to care about our lives and our family therefore we have to look for other jobs then counting on Steem!! searching for other opportunities on other social media is the right choice and bringing them to hear!! is really awesome!! For me I couldn't keep up just by counting on Steem! that's why I searched for other job but unfortunately one job wasn't enough so now I'm taking two jobs.

I hope you keep positing and keep motivating others, but at the same time look for something to help you with your own life!

Best wishes my friend I hope you all the best:(

Thanks a lot. Yeah, we gave a lot of our energy and time to steem during all this time and we still give it that. But we can't count only on it. If powerful people are supporting upvote bots, and they are not supporting minnows that much, what we can do. We have to look for the alternatives of course. Our time worth much more and if we grow everywhere taking baby steps, we could be more happy. I'm sad hearing that you need to work in two jobs and that steem is not making you happy. I understand now that's the problem is not only mine. Thanks for your wishes, for your support, and for being an active user on steem, I hope we will all grow in other platforms as well, only this way we will be able to promote steem and consider it like an investment, not like earning.

PS; you need to monetize and add a link to your Bitchute channel...

Yeah, of course i will try now everything. ☺

Excellent! :-)

I completely understand where you're at Brother @clixmoney and I always wish You the best. You have so much inspiration and motivation with you every day. You family, your friends, and your heart. You love to help others every day and this is great inspiration and motivation for so many. Always stay positive and Always stay focused and you will succeed. May You always live in the Abundance of Love and Blessings. #zap

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Thanks a lot for your support. ☺

So sad 😣😢😞 it’s hard to keep the happy face when you’re sad. It’s ok to share your sadness with us.
I feel you.. doing videos doesn’t sustain for now, we spend so much time editing and filming but don’t get enough to live by.
I have to spend time doing other things to earn money as well as look after my boy.
Yeh you are top dtuber! So active and someone to look up to!
We will get there slowly. Let’s keep supporting each other!
☹️sucks for your citizenship wow I don’t understand why they don’t let you have it if your whole family born there 😵
Praying you can find some good work for you and your family to pay bills!
Keep us updated!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks a lot for your support. Yeah sometimes we just can't hold everything inside. I'm glad we have such helpful community. Thanks a lot for your care. ☺

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