Facebook Looking To Copy WeChat Payment System For West Using It's Own Cryptocurrency And WhatsApp

in #dtube5 years ago

It isn’t bad enough that Facebook invades the privacy of it’s users lives online 24/7, seven days a week. Now Zuckerberg wants it to increase the invasion by injecting itself into the middle of their financial transactions with a ripoff of WeChat’s payment feature. The same feature used by it and the CCP to spy on every transaction Chinese citizens make with it. The difference being, Facebook is in bed with national private for profit banks instead. The same ones that lend governments their own currency at interest. Plus, it’s payment feature will be using a cryptocurrency with it’s value pegged to these banks’ fiat currencies.

In this video we take a look at Facebook’s latest attempt to invade it’s users’ lives and privacy even further by working it’s way into their financial transactions.

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