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RE: New Research Finds MORE Problems With Gene Editing

in #dtube5 years ago

It seems your point is that God has nothing to do with physicality

oh, no. God is in everything; is everywhere.
I was saying that modern materialistic science discounts God AND spirituality AND metaphysics.

It is an analogy that DNA is like a radio, and the scientists are currently believing the antenna creates the vibrations that cause the radio to play music. "What a strange thing this antenna is having all of this music stored inside of it."

Our reality is a continuum from physical to spiritual, from physics to metaphysics, and thus separating the two ends up with a philosophy/science that is half baked at best.


My point is that by characterizing all scientists and science as deranged atheists, you are doing exactly what you accuse them of. Science is simply asking questions in ways that reveal answers. Some scientists are imbeciles, and there is no shortage of corrupt and unscrupulous politicians seeking means of fooling people into acting as their minions, who seize on such statements and further twist them in propaganda reports they mislabel as 'science news'.

Science does not reveal that antennae create music. It is disingenuous to say that's what science is, or what scientists do.

Neither physics nor metaphysics have proven what our reality is, and mistaking your personal belief for absolute truth simply disregards every other person's views as wrong. I don't think you mean to do this. I suggest you may be misstating your understanding of specific errors as being inherent to all science. I also suggest you are no less wrong than everyone else.

Or do you claim to be The One True Prophet all of we mere plebs should bow down to and obey unquestioningly? If not, you should phrase your statements accordingly, like 'I believe our reality is...', rather than 'Our reality is...'


Currently, i cannot say what is correct, although i have some ideas.
However, i can say that modern materialistic science is wrong by disproving all of the commonly held beliefs... i mean theories.

Einsteins theories are completely wrong.
Not in a way that requires a little fix, they are completely wrong as in the foundations of everything Einstein used is wrong.
But, Einstein is still held up as the most brilliant thinker.


i am not against science, i am against "modern materialistic science".
And yes, in modern materialistic science they have written God out the equation, they have separated physics from metaphysics,

THUS... the music must be stored in the antenna.

BTW the structure of DNA is very interesting.
In one view it is the perfect electrical antenna.
In the other view, it is the perfect magnetic antenna.

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