'Follow Your Excitement' - (A Short Story I Shared Live in Asheville 12/7/17)
During my live performance in Asheville last month, I took a break in between songs to tell a story about following your excitement and not being afraid to overcome perceived limitations.
In my example, I was a 13 year old who loved music, but didn't believe I was a musician, due to seeing the immense talent amongst many of my friends. As I got older, I decided to not give up and to follow this excitement, which has led me to where I am today, a creator of my own songs who is actively sharing them with the world.
Bryan Divisions
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Always do what you love! Life is so very short and if we can find bliss in whatever...then I say do it. For some it's simply cooking, drawing, singing in the shower, running marathons or doing charity work. Doesn't matter. If it brings you pure joy, do it!
Exactly! Your passion is your key!