Cody Snodgres - CIA Whistleblower who refused to blow up the Murrah Bldg in OKC

in #dtube7 years ago

Cody Snogres, a CIA whistleblower who refused to blow up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States on April 19, 1995, gives his testimony on what really happened. Cody talks about the Clintons and Bushes involvement in drug trafficking, Iran Contra, heroine trafficking out of Vietnam, Panama, 9/11, the FBI’s tampering with the courts, and more. Judge Ed Nottingham, the CIA’s judge of choice in the 10th Circuit who participates in covering up the CIA and FBI’s crimes, is also exposed.

Please share this video far and wide. It’s time for everyone to become a whistleblower, and save our country while we have the chance.

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Cody Snodgres Disinformation Agent

Very recently a supposed whistle blower Is appearing on many truth researchers channels of the like of Ole Dammegard and Hagmann & Hagmann and telling his apparent story of being a former covert black ops agent who has direct knowledge of many of the Clinton's crimes, why his history may or may not be truthful Information, there can be no doubt that he Is deliberately spreading disinformation within these Interviews.

I have now listened to four of his Interviews, two with Ole Dammegard and two with Hagmann and Hagmann, he tells his story In a very low tone and draws the listener In coming across very genuine, this may be because he Is honestly retelling his experiences or he could be an excellent deceptive liar. In every interview, I've listened to, he does come across as sincere for the majority of the Interview, but at about the forty minute mark of each Interview his tone suddenly changes and he starts going on how the Germans gassed six million Jews & comparing the Fuhrer to the demonic Clinton's, he did this In the first two Interviews I listened to and on both occasions he goes form being very softly spoken and calm, to suddenly becoming very abrupt and Incisive as If to hammer the point home that six million Jews were gassed, this Is blatant lies. The freemasonic lie of the alleged six million gassing of Jews was exposed In the Canadian trial of Ernst Zundel, In 1988. When Fred Leuchter testified on the record to his findings that he detailed In The Leuchter Report. Mr Leuchter, an expert In gas execution chambers, had traveled to Auschwitz and Birkenau and stated In court how the alleged execution buildings were Incapable of performing gas executions. He also had taken brick samples from the sites, which were tested by an Independent Laboratory, that found zero chemical residue of cyanide gas. We also now know that the alleged gas execution chambers at Auschwitz were built after the war and that the Soviets built the chimney at Auschwitz.

This alleged whistle blower turns up just as Ole Dammegard Is starting to question the Holocaust myth and recently had a video taken down about these lies. In the last two Interviews, Snodgres changed his disinformation to blame the Germans for how people In the German POW camps had to eat rats to survive towards the end of the war, these were the consequences the demonic Rothschild's had caused after they ordered the allies to firebomb German city after city Holocausting millions of German civilians, by the end of the war many of the German soldiers were starving let alone the prisoners of war.
In his latest Interview he also repeats more Zionist propaganda allegeing the Germans were dark occultists. Why It can not be disputed that the Vatican had Infiltrated the German Military with The Knights Of Malta members, this was a small minority of German traitors. In my opinion anyone Involved In Freemasonry Is a traitor to their people, against nature and opposed to the divine creator. In 1936/37, Adolf Hitler had closed down all the Saturn Cult Freemasonic Lodges and Secret Societies and threw all the Khazar, Talmudic, Dark Occultists In prison camps.

The main reason Adolf Is lied about, by the Freemasonic Cabal run media, Is because he outlawed usury, eliminating Interest, he kicked out the Talmudic Jewish bankers and printed his own debt free money. This Is exactly the same thing John. F. Kennedy had attempted to do when he signed executive order 11110, but he was assassinated, by the Cabal, before he had the chance. J.F.K had great respect for what Adolf had achieved In Germany and wrote about what a great man the Fuhrer was In one of his diaries. The Fuhrer led the NSDAP, which was the National Socialist German Workers Party, the German Military was called the Wehrmacht & Waffen SS. The term Nazi comes from Ashke-nazi Jews, the Rothschild, Talmudic, Pedophillic, Jewish, Communists that Hitler fought against. They use a Communist Saul Alinsky tactic of calling their enemy's what they are. Adolf was a vegetarian and strongly believed In animal rights he passed the strictest laws for the protection of animals. Herr Wolf was a righteous messenger of truth and a warrior of the Norse Germanic peoples.

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Not if you run the website like I do.... You're awake until you go further down the rabbit hole:)))

good stuff, exposing the workings of the DS...

Incoming VOTE-SWARM! 50 votes, and a few ¢ :D

F.U.R.R. cuz I love this sh!t!!! ;)

Thank you! Are you following the QAnon clues on twitter and probably Facebook? I have a few of them solved on menu option QANON. I am sticking with this Cory Snodgres story. I see the disinformation agents working over time a lot, even here on Steem. Have a beautiful day! Thanks for all you do for the Truth and Liberty Movement!

I think Cody Snodgres is telling the truth. His early lifestyle seems similar to the "Vegas Shooter" (gun running, gambling, jet setting, millionaire). The interview he did with Kerry Cassidy on Project Camelot was very good. Yes- monitoring the Q-anon consortium situation. Thank you for all you do!

i am aware of a few anomalies at this event that are undisputable...

  1. there were bombs in the building

  2. we have seismic data proving more than one explosion occurred.

does this come out in the video? i don't want to watch 2 hours... lol.. i know how fucked things are already as far as false flags. going back thru history every event seems to be false flags... so sad.

He only touches briefly on the bombs.. The rest of the video is more of an overview of who the players were and how the FBI and CIA covered it up in the courts, as well as info about the CIA in general, black ops, etc. I listened to it while I was doing other things around the house. It's worth it.

i'm listening to this.

much more enjoyable. ; )

thanks for the response. i'm of the house, that once you see a thing, know a thing, you purposedly look away is akin to disempowering a thing. but before it is known it cannot be disowned.. tho i can't say completely disowned, because all things are of my spirit and occured for whatever it did to my soul to help develop me in the way that is best for me.

is this all sunshine i blow up my own ass? yes it is. because the alternative is to die in the blackhole of the assholes that run the world. and i choose to be self-enlightened to empower the world to be a better place, and this is how you do it, by not doing those things and being aware enough to not empower them either, because right now satanist run things by deceiving people into giving them their energy, they have none of their own, and they have no 'dark power' to draw upon, it is simple vamperic theft of our energies to do their evil deeds.

lol, i just wrote a post ; ) haha

+1 but there is more that can be done.
The DS is on the defensive now, btw ;)

I should change the picture on it, because it's sort of misleading, in that he was supposed to be in place of McVeigh. Any ideas on what type of pic I could use?

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