BuzzSteem Ep 18 - @bethwheatcraft [Whale Wars, AndreasAntonopolous comes to Steemit and More!]

in #dtube7 years ago

Hey guys, so today has been a bit rough, but I powered through and here is today's BuzzSteem!

I talked about:

  • @berniesanders downvoting all comments made on @haejin's wall and @ranchorelaxo's response.

  • Andreas Antonopolous claiming himself on Steemit after months of fraudulent accounts abusing his content.

  • Assholes trying to scam #openmic and @luzcypher.

  • How Steem and Bitcoin are still in the toilet.

  • A little talk about mental illness and how to handle those posts here on Steemit.

For my Steemian of the day, I couldn't pick just one, but everyone involved in the #fight4 steem campaign. Make sure you are using the tag so I can keep track of everyone!

Well that's all for today. I will see you beautiful people tomorrow!

▶️ DTube

Hello! New to steemit and found you through a resteem and wanted to say hi! Yes, as most things I find myself involved in crypto is a big sausage fest 🤣 But I have a bunch of really rad chicks that are awesome business owners, artist and all around bosses that Im luring to steemit and dtube with me 😎 we will be seeing you in the interwebs 🤗❤

Yay hooray for girl powah!

So are you just tying to get in with Bernie or do you really believe what you are saying ?
I could not listen to the whole thing. If you had been following it from the beginning you could have mentioned the out right bullshit bernie and the marky (witness) were posting in order to whip up some outrage. War using other peoples Steem Power is good business if you hold large accounts to mine the reward pool with. It may even be good enough to offset the investment you made in creating the shit storm in the first place.

I doubt you watched any of it, considering I only talked about the whale wars for about a minute. I don't kiss whale ass if that is what you are implying. I think everyone has faults, but ultimately, haejin is a grade A douche canoe, and anyone helping to make him obsolete is a winner in my book.

I love this expression 'douche canoe' lol

Just for a little clarification:
I am not a @haejin's fan.
I don't think the rewards @haejin is receiving can be justified.
I am not a fan of promoting Flag wars ether, especially when the initial posts (not yours) promoting it used falsified evidence by prominent Steemians.
Flag wars have lost their appeal for a lot of people. Many who were initially drawn into flag wars, found that they prefer connecting with others in a more constructive way, because it feels more rewarding to have amicable relationships.

It seems most likely that this whole situation was deliberately engineered to create controversy and promote flag wars.

I have a question for you. I have asked other people and nobody will answer it.

How could people receiving huge rewards harm Steemit?

Well just using @haejin as an example to your question...there is a two fold answer. @haejin isn't going to drain the rewards pool per se, but what he does drain is user interest in continuing to use the website. When people put out fantastic content and make a few cents, and this assclown puts out bullshit ten times a day and makes millions a year, it's pretty bad for general morale. We need morale because it keeps people posting. People posting means more people joining and more people joining means more Steem being created which helps grow the currency, its value and this platform.

As far as the whales like @sweetsssj abusing the platform, that is an actual reward pool rape scenario. If whales like her continue to use their standing to make fake accounts and drain the majority of Steem from its proper place on the website, it could make the currency collapse, and if Steem collapses, Steemit goes down right along with it. Between @haejin and @sweetsssj and a few other whales, their withdrawals make up a huge majority of all transactions that take place on Steemit, and Steem can't keep up with those kinds of withdrawals. Not enough new Steem is created to inherently keep up with the rate that whales and other higher up users are withdrawing it. Then when you couple in the thousands of tiny users who are shi tposting and immediately taking their money out after cashing in and the rampant abuse of bots, if people don't step up to #fight4steem, the people abusing the system will destroy it.

I like the way you argue. it puts a smile on my face when you use phrases like assclown (mainly because i agree with you). But some people love that shit and our opinions regarding what holds value are subjective.

That sweetjess or whatever her name was just an error of judgement by the creators of what an ass she turned out to be.

Yes people selling steem on the open market will cause the price to drop. However the price being so high is only a recent thing. And honestly the flag wars do not protect Steemit they are destroying it.
Who wants to put money into something when some fuckwit retard can wip up a shit storm of hate with fabricated evidence and destroy your project with immunity?

Ok well you definitely make a good point about the whale wars. Ultimately I like reporting on them more than anything, and have only recently sided with Bernie Sanders after I looked into how much personal money he has dumped into this platform. He does make a lot of money on his posts, but he also spends a lot of money too, and I thought his idea to downvote posts was quite clever. I do agree that tearing Steemit apart is not as constructive as contributing to its cohesion. But man Whale Wars do make for some juicy gossip!

haha I love your last point

Hey Beth,

Sorry to hear about your friend, and sorry to hear that you've dealt with/are dealing with psychological issues.

I've had complex PTSD symptoms since I was 17 (I'm 33), so I know the struggle.

It's great that you have a big heart, loving husband, and children who love you.

Ugh that sucks! Yeah, you definitely know the struggle, even more so because I have never had to struggle with PTSD. Yes I have a wonderful family, which makes me that much more guilt-ridden when I am struggling. There is no rhyme or reason to it, it just is. It's just a poison that creeps into my mind and strangles it. This isn't an easy thing to talk about, but I hope one day that mental illness is as regular and normally accepted as anything else. Thanks for your response! You're too sweet.

You're welcome.

(As others have probably said, and you know.) If there's no rhyme or reason, then there's no need to be abusive to yourself about it (eg. abusive self-talk. In an frustrated internal tone: "Why can't I just be XXX" "People would be better off without me, etc." I don't know your specific self talk, so I'm just posting general ones.).

And even if there was a rhyme or reason, talking bad to yourself only makes things worse. From experience and research - one of the best things we can do is be kind to ourselves when struggling (have you checked out Kristen Neff? She is a psychologist who created an actionable concept called self-compassion).

Yeah, psychological issues aren't easy to speak about. I share online, and with family and a friend IRL, but not openly.

You're welcome for the response. :-) I really like your videos, even if I don't look around on Steemit, I check in to see your vids.

The guilt I think comes from outside being angry that you are acknowledging your feelings. So many people are unhappy but they find some pride in "being tough" (i think its a social conditioning, sort of like anti suicide teachings as a way to keep people participating in a slave system) . Then when you feel so strongly that this is not how life should be people say "well look at bad this is ". I dont feel better, because it bums me out that that is also so bad lol. I want everyone to be happy not just me better off than others haha

What we need is an exchange that converts Steem into FIAT directly! As long as we have to use another thing like BTC to buy or sell Steem, we will always be subject to BTC's fluctuations. Use Steem to buy BTC, use BTC to buy Dollars, use Dollars to buy Euros; who is getting paid here? Use Euros to buy Dollars, use Dollars to buy BTC, use BTC to buy Steem, WTF?!? How many bank accounts, passwords, wallets and keys will I need to buy a Banana? There are accounts that upload entire movies; clearly not their own work. Never seen that cheetah putty tat come around those guys, but she will rag on a full post for a single paragraph. Thanks for another good post worth watching, thumbs up!

Better yet... we need to become nore efficient and proficient at using crypto currencies in our purchases!

For now that only works for things like on line Services, Software and Music, but as long as tax is paid in fiat we will continue to have a barrier. We need faster expansion of Steem; faster than it can be regulated and the exchanges by users will follow when there are more Steemians than Fbookers. Right now, to the best of my knowledge, I am the only Steemian in Town and the nearest other Steemian is a 2 hour drive away. Greetings!

True, paying taxes in the 'King's Currency' keeps us enslaved . I've been mulling through these ideas for years, long before I ever looked into BTC. I'm hoping a platform like this will allow all of the minds that have been combing through history, wrestling with how to fix this for real (not just chop the kings head off and install a new king- hope we've learned our lesson on that idea haha). That's why i'm here.... I think we have pretty decent shot, and I'm not all that optimistic about a lot of things x)

I agree. I think we are getting closer to that though, because people are going to grow tired of the countless exchanges and the money lost too. That especially sucks for us smaller earners. Losing 20-25% of what you have made isn't a big deal when you are pulling in thousands a day, but when you only make a little bit here or there, that is a lot of money to lose! Hopefully this gets fixed sooner rather than later!

Yeah, @exile said soon Bittrex will start to trade Steem for $, great step in the right direction. Now all they have to do is carry some other major fiat like Euro, Yuan and Ruble and the possibility to link to international banking systems so I can buy some Steem without paying 10 other people first, lol. I wish I could buy some Steem right now as the getting is good at $3.51. Seriously, I'd buy 400 Steem right now and power it up!

also , I think @cheetah only operates through scanning wording, not accessing videos off site and scanning that. @patrice is that correct? or does it scan images and video also?

I don't know if cheetah is solely text based, but I think YT uses the sound track rather than video to match copyrighted work because the reference file sizes will be much smaller. The channel I was referring to uploads 2 full movies per day, and has been doing so for months. I have no way of knowing if this person owns the rights to the 98 movies currently on that channel, but I have my doubts.

Great video Beth I went full time on steemit yesterday, wondering if you are up for a collab sometime, when I learn how to split a screen. Not cool about the open mic comps, fed up with people trying to cheat the system. Funny story I upvoted someone on a post noticed there was a cheetah comment and checked the link it was word for word I was so pissed with myself, left them a long comment telling them off, needless to say they never replied to me.

Haha a collab would be great! My husband uses the program Zoom to do split screen stuff, maybe we could try that?

Sure thing Beth let me know when you would like to give it a try im on discord too if you want to chat about it.

WTF? That was Justin Timberlake? I thought it was Mark Zuckerberg. lol

In late news: I'm finally on DTube :-D

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