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RE: HALF HOUR SONGWRITE - 3/6/19 - HOME - A retroactive retreat for @wonderwop's PARTY FAIL Pick-a-Prompt - a Dtube exclusive!

in #dtube5 years ago

:D I've got a little looser with the time frame these days. For instance, while I wrote most of NEW BREED in 30 minutes, I then went and did something completely different and the second part just came to me. It was outside the time window, but I added it anyway when recording. HOME was a little more difficult bc there's more pain to the theme than is apparent in the lyrics so far, which if I were to keep writing would probably show more. It took about 45 minutes and then I forgot the vocal melody (which almost never happens these days, must've been meant to change it) and consequently had to rewrite the music in the process of getting ready to record it. So definitely longer than 1/2 hour on that one.

Angels' wings, on the other hand, took like 15. So well within the window ;D

When I first started I was very strict about the timeframe but now I pretty much just do my best to fit within it. I'm a single parent and a struggling artist and work construction for a day job, so I have to give myself room to breathe where I can lol.


Felt good to get that off my chest XD

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