
And the most powerful military on earth can not intercept a crappy North Korean missile? Really???
They must put out an "Alert" that we all should duck and shelter because they are completely defenseless?

The big bogeyman is not mightier, just crazy. And 'crazy bad guys' are to be feared immensely, even though they are impotent, worthless, - they can wreak havok by mistake and thorugh no hard work of their own and for no purpose or reason at all.

This narrative and line of argument for becoming stronger by spending more tax dollars on defense - weak and unsupported by facts as it may be - has worked well for generations of Americans in order to always remain 'great again'.

The question is, who helped North Korea build it's missiles? Where do the components come from? There is reason to believe that nothing is what we are made to believe. It's all a big theater, smoke and mirrors. Useful bogeymen to further agendas. And we fall for this bullshit and pay with our tax dollars for this insanity. followed!

There's certainly a lot of smoke and mirrors, the trick is figuring out which is which.

LOL. You got that right. Nowadays it is difficult to tell truth from fiction. Good thing we have guys like James Corbett with his brilliant analysis and perspective to peak behind the veil...

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