Trump They are Trying to Sabotage Us - Dark Targeted Facebook Ad May 20th 2017

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Trump They are Trying to Sabotage Us

Targeted Facebook Ad May 20th 2017

A Trump campaign targeted advertisement from May 20 2017. What does this message mean? He likes sabotage and fake news. He is attacking the citizens he is a servant of. He is accusing everyone of his own behaviours like corruption and sabotage.

A Message from President Trump
What you are seeing on TV is SABOTAGE
Yout read that right.
It's Sabotage.
The Fake News Media is working hand-in-hand with Washington's corrupt bureaucracy to try to slow and block our America First Agenda.
The special interests know they can only win when you., the American people, lose.
But we're fighting to break the special interest stranglehold around our country that has silenced our citizens, stripped our nation of its wealth, and bled America dry.
It's now and all-out fight to save the great American grassroots movement that sent shockwaves around the world on November 8.
With so many forces out to ruin us. I'm turning to you and our most trusted supporters at this critical moment to join me in the trenches to FIGHT BACK.

▶️ DTube

He is the ONLY president in HISTORY that is not accepting the president salary of $400,000 a year!
I think that says enough about his integrity.

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