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RE: Dtube Chat: Can A Chick Be A Meninist?

in #dtube7 years ago

Regarding the Gal Gadot example, it’s not true that she “only” got paid $300,000, since her contract also included a share of box office returns, which she’ll obviously have cleaned up on with how well the film did. Here’s an article with more information:

That being said, it does tend to be true that actresses in Hollywood don’t usually get paid as well as their male co-stars. BUT, it’s a little more complicated than just “women get paid less”. Actors’ salaries are always negotiated. There’s no real standard practice to it. As such, how much an actor or actress gets paid is subject to how well the negotiate their contract. For whatever reason, actresses tend to be less bold in their negotiations. Perhaps this is a result of a sexist mindset, and women feeling like they don’t have as much power as men, which can be traced back to the culture of patriarchy in Hollywood, America and/or the world in general... but it could also be that “perpetual victimhood” mentality that women can often have, and maybe it’s ultimately on the women in Hollywood to get over that, realize that they do have power if they simply learn to assert themselves in their negotiations and then they’ll likely see better results. Gal Gadot is going to see a MUCH bigger paycheque for Wonder Woman 2, because she negotiated a higher salary in light of the success of the first movie. That success obviously gave her the confidence to demand a higher salary, whereas on the first movie, she likely didn’t have that confidence.

Another recent example is the gap between Mark Whalberg’s pay for the reshoots of All The Money In The World, and Michelle Williams’ pat. Whalberg made many times more money. But again, the reason for this was not some studio head deciding “Ehhh... let’s pay the woman less.” It was because of how Whalberg and Williams had negotiated their contracts differently. Williams’ signed an initial contract for the movie that included reshoots. Whalberg did not, and instead made sure to renegoniate his contract when the reshoots were done. That allowed him to demand more money, whereas Williams was tied to her intial contract, which was signed before they knew that the reshoots would have be so extensive as to remove Kevin Spacey from the movie. Usually reshoots are pretty brief, so Williams’ agreed pay for any expected reshoots would have been agreed to under the assumption that there may be ony like a couple scenes reshot or picked up. Then the Spacey thing happens, they have to reshoot almost the whole movie... Whalberg isn’t tied to a pre-established contract, so he can negotiate his wage for this accordingly. Williams is still tied into her original contract, because she wasn’t wise enough to not pre-establish her reshooting wage without first knowing how extensive the reshoots might end up being.

Basically... the whole “wage gap” idea tends to always be more complicated than it’s made out to be. I mean, if it were actually true that women get descriminated against the way the radical feminists claim... then it would be illegal. There’s laws against that kind of descrimination. Yet we don’t see these radical feminists filing lawsuits over the wage gap. do we? That’s because they know they can’t, because it’s not actually true. I’m sure there are some examples where it is true, but it’s not the norm by any means.

Great video, BTW. I admire your bravery in speaking about these controversial topics, especially when presenting a rather unpopular opinion. Keep it up!


That's interesting about Gal Gadot, I didn't realize she was receiving additional compensation from box office sales. I agree that some level of things in Hollywood have to be up to women themselves, but used Hollywood as an example seeing as though they are usually the loudest voices when it comes to "unfairness" and "inequality"!

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