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RE: I WANT TO DRAW YOU! Episode 7 - @ange.nkuru| Vlog #34

in #dtube6 years ago

So beautiful! ❤️ Sometimes it is only wise to take some time off in order to clear your head, and it's wonderful that you took the time to study art.
I have to say that I'm struggling, too, with the work-life-school-bachelor-steemit routine in my daily life, especially now that I can feel the BA paper deadline approaching.
It pains me that I cannot commit to doing art, it's my number one passion, so I'm really happy to see that you're keeping up with that and doing BETTER AND BETTER with every painting!
I love your mixed medium technique and your little ritual - lighting the incense to set the mood.


Thanks Kate. Art is still so important to me but theres definitely times where I just don't have the energy. It's really nice just to be able to take inspiration from artists I love, or just watch videos of others doing art so that I can bank some ideas for when I am actually in the mood. I hope once your BA paper is complete you will have a little more time to dedicate to doing art!
And thank you, it's been nice to see how a consistent practice has really helped me improve! And I always love a good scent, incenses are my favourite. 💛

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