Must Watch Video on Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion

in #dtube7 years ago


One of our goals here at AnonHQ is to help awaken the masses, so whenever we come across any eye-opening information, we’re sure to share it. The video below, edited by Harvey Lester and featuring Larken Rose, provides powerful and sobering insight into our current reality.

Both Europe and the U.S. are split into states, whether they are independent States, or nation-states. Statism refers to the support or belief in the sovereignty of a state, yet this conflicts with the idea of a democracy, which is what the U.S. and most other Western nations are supposed to be. Let’s break it down:

Merriam-Webster describes democracy as a “government by the people; especially : rule of the majority,” and “a government in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.”

That sounds nifty. Now let’s see what Merriam-Webster says about statism:

Concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry.

If you’re an individual who keeps up with political, economic, and even social and environmental issues, you might be a bit confused.

Going by Merriam-Webster’s definitions, we as citizens are run by governments in which we have all the power, and according to the explanation for statism, this supposedly gives us economic control, yet most people are struggling to get by. In the U.S. alone (the country that probably boasts about its “democracy” the most), 45.3 million people were in poverty in 2013. So, did these people choose to be poor so that others in their society could gain more wealth than needed?

The economic conflictions when it comes to democracy vs. statism barely touches upon the true extent of the mass-deception we are all living under. There are numerous other conflicting issues to take into consideration as well, such as the police force (mostly this refers to American police), who are killing the citizens who supposedly control the government, which is employing the police who are killing citizens. Confused again? It’s probably best just to watch the video:

Considering it is the citizens who supposedly have all the power, we’re the only ones who can bring an end to this destructive system, and there are plenty of alternatives. It is time for us to research, explore, and support those alternatives for the sake of future generations.


"Democracy" is nothing but a deception to make people -believe- that they have the power...and responsibility. Democracy does not work, it is an illusion. Even Gate-keepers like Noam Chomsky admit to that.

religion post.

But yet he worships crapitalism,...

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