Anonymous' Message For 2018 Will Change The Way You Look At Social Media [VIDEO]

in #dtube7 years ago


What does Anonymous, countless alt media platforms, and independent voices have in common with two former founders and executives of Facebook? Nothing? Well, think again.

Sean Parker, and Charmath Palihapitya in particular, have gone public on multiple occasions, voicing their sentiments on the inherent and real dangers of social media platforms.

As Anonymous has warned for years, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, albeit giving rise to the single voice, have also perfected algorithms and procedures to alter your brain chemistry. For Parker and Palihapitya, the implications are very real – starving us for likes and the next dopamine hit, ego tripping to the point where our physical world becomes boring.

If you watch the clip below, you will see how social media today has created an environment feeding our ego through attention grabbing. Everyone wants attention. Back in the day, it was the single kid in the school ground craving an audience. Today, it is the single kid craving 16 million followers it doesn't know … and some will do anything to be liked.

Although social media is a revolutionary platform for information sharing, the fake news sensation only shows too easily how the truth can be manipulated – particularly by those with limitless cash flow – and how higher powers control the censorship strings. Soros, anyone?

Sharing classified documents is becoming a thing of the past; creating awareness of the world around us was once dependent on those active in alternative media genres. Mainstream news did not always get things right, and mostly mocked and ignored the free thinkers who dared to publish stray thoughts on the twin towers being brought down by controlled demolition.

When Palihapitya explains how he now distances himself from social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, he isn’t mincing words. “I just innately didn’t want to get programmed,” he says in an interview about refusing to engage in social media at all. It created social tensions within his family that just weren’t worth it.

And of the designing and founding of Facebook into the giant it is today, Palihapitya says: “I feel tremendous guilt…I think we all knew in the back of our minds…we kind of knew something bad could happen.”

What are the long term effects of the social media tools created today, according to Palihapitya?

They are beginning to erode the “social fabric of how society works.” Money can be used to amplify a version of the truth, sway the masses, irrespective of the facts and the outcome.

The question, Palihapitya poses, is how to live in a world where this is possible. Some are addicted and unable to just ‘switch off’ from the cyborg collective.

The now-ADD society has been created by initiating a reaction in the viewer; creating an impatience with the real world through small but constant dopamine hits received through computer games such as Call of Duty, and likes or retweets.

“We know for a fact that what all of these systems do – every single one – is it exploits our own natural tendencies in human beings to get and want feedback, and that feedback, chemically speaking, is the release of dopamine in your brain,” warns Palihapitya. “And so, what these feedback loops do – and they exist everywhere – in Call of Duty, in other video games, in social networking sites – they get you to react.”

And there is the vicious cycle. You post, you get a like, you receive dopamine. You re-post to get another hit, wait, get a like and numb your senses with this fight or flight substance.

“God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains,” Sean Parker, former president of Facebook, exclaims.” Facebook was all about how do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible? And that means … we need to give you a dopamine hit every once in a while …”

Are you worried yet?

You should be. Do you want a solution? Easy. Switch off from Facebook or Twitter or whatever platform you use today. Refuse yourself the addictive task of wasting hours on these platforms. Monitor your time on feeds and most importantly, reconnect with your physical world and learn the meaning of patience.


I'm very worried about this and am trying to slowly wean the family off the Twitter & FB platforms. We've never used Istagram and don't want to. These platforms do effect brain chemistry and are worse than some big pharma drugs.

Thanks a lof of sharing this post..

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