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RE: The Hidden Hand Behind Central Banking.

in #dtube7 years ago

maneco64 talking of the hidden hand, made you have heard of the jewish commercial shetar? also known as the star! if not you may want to check it out? it was the introduction of the modern mortgage what we know today! introduced in england in 1066 when william the bastard conquered us, he brought over the jewish money lenders to take land from the anglo saxon people when defaulting! as at that time usury was forbiden and the king could not do it directly himself, he used taxes on all instead. later after banishing the jews in 1197 it was enrolled in to english law by edward long shanks and the rest as we say is history!


@andrewskelton It is all very interesting. Too bad none of it is taught in schools!

Is there a book that you could recommend that covers this topic?

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