TarotTuesdays 5 card general reading March 20th - 27thsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

I was inspired by the gracious @traciyork to join the #TarotTuesday party!
Do you love tarot, too - feel free to join in!
And be sure to check out @SteemitTarot which keeps #TarotTuesday going all week long!

I’ve been practicing tarot privately for about 15 years but I'm finally ready to get out there and
help others with my cards!
I know readings can change mindsets and bring true solutions to many. Tarot readings are a
wonderful way to connect to your inner self and learn where you can improve.

I’ll provide the book’s interpretation as well as my understanding of the cards in the dtube video above - so be sure to make your choice and then watch the video to get a more in depth explanation of each card.

A Quick Bit About My Deck

My deck The Fairy Ring is based in Celtic myths and legends.

As with the traditional tarot, my cards have four suits - but are represented by the four seasons. There are four court cards for each season which have a general meaning as well as point to a specific type of real person. Also there are eight festival cards which represent the chief fairy feasts/holidays which have general meanings but can also point to specific times of the year.

As you can tell from the title, it’s a fairy based deck but the unique thing is each card has a real mythology behind it. Some are so familiar, most of us will recognize them - others I’d never heard of before opening this book.

Choose one card (or 2 or 3 or all - it’s whatever you want) which you are drawn to.

Now that you've chosen your card(s) scroll down to see your message!

Please enjoy
This original word art
From my Instagram
while you scroll

1. Ace of Winter | Knocker

Book’s Interpretation

The knocker indicates financial or material gain and the establishing of a firm foundation in some practical manner.

My Thoughts

This card is very straightforward and concerns the material world. The knocker could be indicating you will make a good financial decision or maybe get a raise. This could also be pointing towards the creation of a strong homebase or a secure future like a retirement fund or something along those lines. If this card does not reflect something you are directly experiencing in the moment the cards may be trying to point your mind in this direction and poking you to start focusing on creating that firm future foundation.

2. Knave of Autumn | Phooka

Book’s Interpretation - Reversed

The Phooka reversed is telling you that if you get carried away with wild flights of fancy you may lose what is beneath your nose. Patience and steady effort are needed. May be a real person: a young man who is hard working, methodical, and patient but a plodder rather than quick and clever. Loyal, hardworking, slow to anger.

My Thoughts

This card reversed is all about self control and patience. The message from the cards is to be careful and stay focused on what is in front of you. If you feel connected to the male energy this card represents I would look to him for some guidance in keeping you focused as it is his nature to be patient, hardworking and see the bigger picture.

3. Fairy Festival Card | Lughnasa

Books Interpretation

When Lughnasa appears you will start to reap the rewards of your efforts, though more work is needed to bring a project to final completion.

My Thoughts

Lughnasa occurs around August 1st and symbolizes the end of summer harvest celebrations. It is important to remember that though this is a time where you will be benefiting from some of your hard work and projects, and connections and opportunities are working out - you must remember “fall” is still coming and that will include a lot of work. You have aligned yourself in the right way and are feeling strong enough to take on any obstacles that may pop up.

4. Eight of Summer | Tam Lin

Book’s Interpretation

Tam Lin indicates restoration, release from a bad or frightening situation, recovery from illness, relief or a weight lifted from the mind.

My Thoughts

The worst is over and you know it, deep down inside you can feel that energetic weight sliding off. Maybe you have been feeling sick lately but are beginning to feel healthy again. Maybe you finally got away from a negative relationship or a bad job. If you feel like you’re still struggling the cards want you to know the end is near. The light at the end of the tunnel is approaching and they want to give you comfort in knowing recovery is coming.

5. Queen of Autumn | Queen Oonagh

Book’s Interpretation

Queen Oonagh indicates the development of practical skills, finding solutions to practical problems, help, good advice, and friendship. She may indicate a real person: A woman who is clever and shrewd, practical and helpful with a great deal of common sense.

My Thoughts

This Queen is one of innovation and new solutions to old problems. Have you had a breakthrough with a problem you’ve been having? Or perhaps everyone is coming to you asking advice on their problems. Maybe you’re feeling extra helpful and are able to see solutions that others cannot. If this does not resonate with your current situation and you’re feeling overwhelmed with problems and can see no real solutions perhaps you need to reach out to a woman who embodies her description - a reserved, clever and grounded woman.

I hope you could relate to the card(s) you chose and the message the Fairies had for you! stop by next Tuesday for another 5 card spread.


I do not claim to see the future or the past. I'm not a psychic or medium. My cards are a connection to the higher source and they provide guidance. I simply use my intuition and understanding to interpret the message.

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time.

If you've ever been interested in Tarot I'd love to hear from you!

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time. Please feel free to send me an email if you'd like a private reading: [email protected] or find me on discord: amariespeaks#9425

▶️ DTube


Number 4. After our reading I don't even need to explain my thoughts here. However, good news has come forth today, can't explain yet though because it is not set in stone. Maybe the end isn't the relationship but instead the situation and the bad life choices from both. Transferred a gift for your time last night. Blessed be!

@magicalmoonlight thank you so much for the gift! That was totally unnecessary but thank you very much!! <3 what an interesting choice for you - fighting for what you love. Perhaps this week will bring some clarification as I usually think of the spread as energies for this entire week to come - let me know if you have a revelation of some sort! Sending love your way!

You deserved it! I'm still letting the universe decide. Today we had some unexpected news, could be good or bad. I will let you know how it plays out as it comes :)

okay! Keeping you in my heart my dearie <3

Thank you :) I guess I will just tell you because I am excited but don't want to be let down if doesn't work out lol An affordable house here became available, should be going to look at it here shortly. Maybe that was my sign?

oh awesome! yes, maybe it is a sign :) good luck <3 trust you instincts as soon as you walk into the home!

Thanks for the Tarot. I have a deck ( the old traditional deck) on my shelf next to me right now! I am also an astrologer (professional) and poet and somewhat of a mystic/shaman, etc., and I'm pretty new here on Steemit (about 6.5 weeks). I have a question for you:
is there a community of like minded souls here that are into these sorts of things? If so, do you know how I can contact them, join them, etc? Blessings. Love what you are doing. My card was a 3, by the way. Sounds good to me!

hey there @mistermercury ! thanks for checking out my reading :) glad to hear Lughnasa is working for you! Welcome to Steemit - there are quite a few communities focused on interesting topics like tarot, astrology and even paranormal-ish kind of things there's @steemittarot and their discord https://discord.gg/uT3tPW , plus great people like: @traciyork @intuitivejakob @tarotbyfergus @crazybgadventure (he's got a great discord channel if you're on discord) @simon62 and so many others - check the #tarot in the feed because that's a great one and also #astrology or #spirituality too

Wow! Thanks. Looks like I'll find a whole community waiting. Many blessings.

you're very welcome! :-D

Hey @mistermercury, I'd love to say hi! Welcome to this community and Steemit! Many of us are on discord. Have you gotten onto discord yet? If so, hit me up @intuitivejakob#7088. We have several groups that may be of interest. Actually, if you check my posts, some of them are linked in my post links too.

Greetings @intuitivejakob. I'll follow your advice. Looks like I've found home. Blessings.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love your setup here! Didn't get a chance to watch the video yet, but I plan to in the morning - I figure it will be the perfect thing to go with my breakfast and coffee! But I did choose my card - three for me, and can I get a big, "HELL YEAH!"? Thanks so much - this message totally worked for me!

yay! thank you @traciyork 😍 oh so happy Lughnasa is working it's magic for you! Lemme know what you think of the video!

Looks like Mercury Retro is making itself known already...ugh! I tried a few times to watch the video this morning, but I couldn't get any further than your first card draw. I'll try again later on my laptop, but the first minute or so was excellent...LOL!

ahhh curse you retrograde! - thank you though! I'm getting a little more comfortable

You definitely seemed more relaxed in the seconds the video worked for me...LOL! I tried again a short time ago, both on my main computer, and my laptop (tried yesterday with my phone). Maybe I forgot to bribed the bandwidth fairies this month... LOL

LOL damn dtube! problems everywhere with it lately :-[
giphy (2).gif

I wanted to come back and comment on this, even though it's a few days past. But, this was fun to do! I've never had a Tarot Card reading. I find it very interesting! I choose card 5, but to be honest something wanted me to choose the top card on the deck. hehe. I guess I can wait for next week for that one!

thanks for stopping by @iexplore :) oh 5 is great! I hope you're feeling that helpful and productive energy <3 definitely do come back next week - it's a ton of fun!

Yes! I needed it for all the snow that just dropped the last two days! :)

ASALIAH : Just God who points to the Truth.
Well done, yet again. You save me time and effort so effortlessly. Eenie meenie minee mo, lol. Spear to the heart. Thank-you @amariespeaks, now to take same query to @traciyork's 😇

you're very welcome @simon62 ! 🙏

awesome! That was a popular choice this week!

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