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RE: Afternoon Vlog - Spectre/Meltdown, Crypto Meltdown and Government Shutdown

in #dtube6 years ago

"This 20 year old "flaw" was discovered by three separate researchers around the same time. I find this extremely weird!!!"

This is actually true of tons of "human" innovation. It is like the solution clicks into multiple brains at the same time, or if one mind solves the problem... the problem becomes easier to solve for the rest.

I remember a biology class where we were talking about early man, the hunted with long sticks that they would poke prey with. (Don't ask me how 'they' think they know this... but stick with me). Data from many different places had man holding long sticks and stabbing their prey with it. It happened in multiple, far off locations, at nearly the same time that man figured out he could throw a sharp stick and have better results. The spear was invented at the same time by multiple people. Fascinating. You have another example showing up with these spectre variants.

Thanks for the blog.


I do think that there is a collective consciousness but I think the NSA has been exploiting this flaw for a very long time. I feel that we are in a big transition and all eyes are on 2020...

That is what they do. I will keep my eyes 20/20 as that is what will be required to make it to the other side in one piece. Good lookin' out! Keep it up.

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