
Hi there buddy,

You might not be the most active commenter yourself, but your work definitely deserves more appreciation and comments. This is another high quality track which makes me crave to read scifi again. Luckily I have about a 100 more titles to go through on the e-reader my brother gifted me a couple of months ago.

Bye for now! :>)

P.S. Is chryo meant to be cryo or is it the name of a music making machine? just curious

Thanks! I do need to be more active in my comments.

Your relation of my music to scifi make me feel great because it is my intention! After my next album I am going to go more vapourwave and dead mall.

I purposely mispelled Chryo because it is a unique mix!

One of my aims is to make people feel great but only when they deserve it ;>)
I won't ever make a troll feel great, no matter how enjoyable a movie Troll 2 is, haha!

Hurray for purposely mispelling misspelling ;>)

Some words look better when spelled differently!

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