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RE: Kicking Depressions Arse - Episode #2
Thanks @amarbir - I'm not too sure. I'm a very relaxed person and I still eat meat! I mean I know Anxiety and Depression are like twin sisters but I think if you manage to get a hold of the anxiety then you can manage depression much better.
I'm not too sure if I agree with you there my friend. I've made so many bad choices in my life that without the proper medication I could probably see myself becoming unbalanced.
Through the practice of YOGA or the singing of GURUSHABAD with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY you can stay balanced without needing to pop pills. Also, you do know that everything in the body has a chemical basis to it ( it's a scientific fact ).
Therefore, whateevvvverrrr you do be it think, feel, act, eat, drink, sleep, etc has a series of chemical reactions attached to it.
So, if you don't opt for vegetarian food choices then depression will most likely stay because if I were to hold you at gun point and say I'll shoot you, then look at your state of mind and the chemistry that got developed within you. Now the same thing is happening in the other being i.e. whatever you're eating. Then this same thing gets transferred into your system, thus, the results of chemical imbalances causing depression.
So, just Practice some Dhyana i.e. being MEDITATIVE and not doing meditation but rather becoming meditative through whatever way you prefer to accomplish this.
As a result, your depression levels will diminish to a GREAT EXTENT and you'll experience a greater sense of Balance i.e. rooting and mental stability within yourself. Awesome eh? So many benefits for FREE.
Moving on...
And as far as anxiety is concerned you only experience ANXIETY if you don't know what you need to do and how you're going to do it. Otherwise, what is there to get all ANXIOUS and worked up about. Or you just enjoy acting DUMB and lining up the pockets of the PHARMACY COMMUNITY. Do you??
lol @amarbir - are you one of those magical overnight Internet consultant psychologists?
You really shouldn't be telling people to not take their medication my friend - honestly, that's a bad idea :)
I didn't stay say stop it. All I said was practicing yoga or the singing of the GuruShabad is a better alternative to all this popping pills nonsense. I have had only a single case where I decided to give this nonsense a go to see if it actually works. Guess what it was a BAD idea. Therefore, if you begin your life with these types of practices that I mentioned above then you'll experience more balance, stable, satisfaction, productive, clarity of perception, etc, etc. Otherwise, you will go nuts popping pills throughout your life.
Yeah, I had a bad upbringing and made many, many, many wrong turns. Those chemical reactions you talk about -- I had tricked my body into thinking that being drunk was the normal.
This post obviously isn't for you then because if you start off your life with the practises that you talk about, achieving balance, then there's no need for your body to readjust. You won't be depressed :)
That's the whole point of these practices lol.