
I like the continuous ending of the sojourner, thanks for sharing this lovely poem.

the continuous ending of the sojourner

I love that description @abmakko and I see what you're saying. the last verse is almost like that feeling of 'sonder' - perpetual sorjourn through everyone's perceptions. Thanks for your comment and reading mate :-)

The feeling of being in a crowd and contemplating others thoughts and even life is expressed so well here @raj808

Great lines:

I realise the self is a prison we craft.
I realise they’re all me and I’m them and we are we.

Thanks @cizzo. It's gratifying to hear that the poem managed to convey the impressions I was going for so clearly. It seemed like it had got close when I was editing it but you're never sure with a poem until someone else picks out the meaning so well. Cheers for your comment and reading my poem :-)

Hey @raj808

A really great poem. @cizzo has already picked my two favourite lines as well. Nice job.


Thanks Gaz, glad to hear you enjoyed the poem. Cheers for your comment and visiting my blog :-)

You're welcome

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