La Rueda - Original Song - Live Acoustic Demo.

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

Hello D-sound and Steemit!

This is an original I wrote last year for the Steemit's songwriter challenge and it was an unusual one for me as I tackled a theme a little darker from what I usually write. Hearing it back after almost a year made me want to work on it a little more , some songs are like photographs for me and by looking at them there is always a connection to that moment. This is what I wrote for it back then:

''With these thoughts on my mind I wrote this song called ''La rueda'' , that translates to ''The Wheel" . Quite a simple title but it builds on the idea of those who have fought and fallen for their dreams just to push this wheel of life a little further. Pushing it for the next ones that will come. The memories and ideals of the ones that fell behind will be the strength of the ones that will keep on turning that same wheel. Big changes and dreams are not done by one person but by generations that carry the same ideal.

We push this wheel just because we can , but maybe we are just doing it for the next ones to come , maybe they'll be the ones that arrive.''


La Rueda
Los labios secos
quebrando el viento
La frente en alta
Una voz se levanta
Se viste de sol

Habla el tiempo
''No hay desierto
Nos sobra el odio''
El cielo tiñe de rojo
detiene el reloj

Escribiendo en arena
''La vida es una rueda''
No nos callamos
nos transformamos
Vivimos en tus ojos

Las dunas llevan
su sufrimiento
que muere lento
la tierra une las sombras
de quien somos hoy

Here's a translation:

The Wheel
Dry lips
Breaking the wind
Head up high
A voice wakes up
and dresses like a sun

Time speaks to us
''There is no desert
we have too much hate''
Sky then dyes in red
and the clock stops

Writing in sand
''Life is just a Wheel''
We don't shut up
we just transform
we live in your eyes

Dunes that carry
their suffering
that slowly dies
Land then joins the shadows
that makes us who we are today

Thanks for listening!

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i like the song but forgive me i really like the photo and how it meets the lyrics

Hello Torico ! thank you :) ! If you are curious about that wheel , it's a stone wheel from the Konark Sun Temple in India.. I Kinda stumbled reading about it and though to share a little stock picture from it. Here's a wikipedia link :D

Konark Sun Temple
Konark Sun Temple is a 13th-century CE sun temple at Konark about 35 kilometres (22 mi) northeast from Puri on the coastline of Odisha, India. The temple is attributed to king Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty about 1250 CE.Dedicated to the Hindu god Surya, what remains of the temple complex has the appearance of a 100-foot (30 m) high chariot with immense wheels and horses, all carved from stone. Once over 200 feet (61 m) high, much of the temple is now in ruins, in particular the large shikara tower over the sanctuary; at one time this rose much higher than the mandapa that remains. The structures and elements that have survived are famed for their intricate artwork, iconography, and themes, including erotic kama and mithuna scenes.

ty! i did google it but didnt get the specifics, so this is terrific! squee-hugs piggy

Ooohhh, that voice. <3 Pechi – you're like a balm for my weary heart.

Thank you for bein' such a delightfully sweet human.


Thank you my sweet Zippy Zippers :D ! Much love to you ! I don't think I'm that sweet though :P ! Big hugsss!!! and btw.. Congrats on winning Open Mic ! YAY! COOKIES!

Sweeter than you think, my dear! 💘 And...thannnk yoooou; didn’t see that one comin’! 😍 Nomnoms!

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