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RE: Meadows In The Sky Parkway, Canada + Drum & Bass

in #dsound6 years ago

Haha, half the year! Servitude or "slavitude"? One of the reasons I could never work in America. Don't get me wrong, I like working, probably do more than most but there has to be respect from the employer.

"look after your employees and your employees will look after your customer" - some meme on LinkedIn

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wow sir nickyhavey! NEVER work in America? surely not all companies are that bad..but maybe they are, I don't know! lol. so it is significantly different in workplace culture in England or all of Europe?

There are quite a few bad ones but some good ones too. But people don't leave companies, they leave managers, so if you are in a bad company but a good manager, you will stay for longer, but a good company and a bad manager... well, it won't last long let's put it that way!

For the most part, customer service in the UK is generally poor but I've found a good temp job at the moment where I am the front line to take customer calls and it's all on me and haven't had a customer swear at me at the end of the phone call yet (despite them being pretty angry at the beginning). I always try to give as good a service as possible so idea really. Not a long term career but it is good for now. Think Europe is a lot more chilled out than the UK, it seems a bit more uptight, stiff upper lip over here haha

sir nickyhavey! oh I bet you are so good at that job, very kind, understanding, calm, cool and helpful. Hey I know it's just temporary but maybe they'll move you up in position after awhile for alot more money, into some type of management or something.

I do think of the Brits in the manner you described! lol. generally speaking which I like, it's not a criticism just what has been major character traits historically.

Lord Janton! Oh thank you for the very kind words man, I just treat others the way I'd like to be treated and take it from there. People call up with problems and if I don't know the answer, I will find someone who does and resolve the issue. Not rocket science. Maybe they will but I am still going travelling regardless in April so whether something awaits when I come back or I hear back from this other company, which looks to be the end of the week, remains to be seen.

Haha I think as well, a lot of the TV programmes that get broadcast are of a traditional 18th century rich chateau Downton Abbey style program which is where a lot of my American friends get their hilarious accent impersonations from - like Charles Dickens English haha

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howdy again sir even if your job offered you a huge promotion and pay raise you are still packing your bags! lol. That's someone who knows what they want in life, good for you.

So the Charles Dickens English isn't what is spoken everyday in Brittain? lol!

Well... That's an interesting situation you presented there Lord Janton. If, and that's a big if, that happened, I would really think about it. I still want to go travelling and they know that but I live with the philosophy of not burning your bridges (although the exception is my previous company - awful place). So if an opportunity appears when I come back then I would think about it.

There are a lot of options at the moment but I don't let my job define me. It's just a means to get money to pay for things I want to do.

Haha, maybe in some parts of the UK yes, people do genuinely speak like that (Rees-Mogg the poshest person you will ever hear, royal family) but for the most part, unfortunately not. Although from an outside looking in, maybe. Hard to tell when it is your home country.

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howdy back again sir nickyhavey! yes as far as accents in your own country because England has many different types of accents within her doesn't she? I mean I can see that for the United States being so large but given the size of Britain that has always surprised me.

But then they say that in Ireland there are parts with such different accents that even other Irish can't understand them! lol. Humanity is an interesting bunch!

Lord Janton! Yes so many accents in the UK! They say the general rule is that every 7 miles here, the accent or dialect changes. To me, Irish accent is unbelievably fast, you feel hungover due to having to concentrate for so long to understand what they are saying haha

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