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RE: [Chillout Music] Blindstate - End Of The World (Nicky Havey Remix) (Free DSound Download)

in #dsound5 years ago

Yes... Still, at least the smell of smoke has gone 😁

It's got nothing to do with Sam Hill. A pub is like a bar but older, more traditional and classier so that's probably why you haven't heard of it. A quiz is where you have teams of people answering questions from the pub landlord (quiz master). The questions are on a variety of topics, then the team with the most correct answers wins (prizes distributed between the top 3). So if you have any friends outside of Steem, then it might help your mental state and go to the pub Lord Janton, sounds like you need it lol.

Posted using Partiko Android


Howdy again sir nickyhavey! I would love to go to a pub occassionally (if they have any in Texas)although I'm not a big game player. What about you, do you win those things? And if so, what do you do with the winnings?

I don't think pub quizzes are a thing in USA?

We came third once and won our entry fee back really, which paid for the next entry to the quiz!

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ok well the results of your pub quizzes are a little underwhelming sir nickyhavey. I thought since you weren't drinking your performance would be higher than that. I don't know of any pubs around here and I don't know about the bars. I haven't been to a bar in probably 35 years. lol. And then it was just to meet up with a guy for some kind of business meeting.

Whether you're drunk or sober, if you don't know the answer the question, you don't know the answer to the question lol.

So you haven't been outside to socialise in 35 years Lord Janton? So that's what married life looks like?

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haha! of course I've been socializing, I just never thought of doing it in a pub or bar. I don't even know anyone who drinks! lol.

Ah so you do know other cultured people who don't drink like me as well lol

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lol! Yes! no one drinks. I don't even drink! Well, I love wine but haven't had one in over a month. I think I had one beer about 3 years ago! lol.

I thought you went on your lawnmower down to the liquor store whilst shooting Snakes?? That's the image you painted me Lord Janton lol

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