Lullaby / Sleep, my joy, sleep / RUS

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

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Hey guys!

Today I'm going to sing for you a lullaby that my mom used to sing to me, when I was little, and then I sang it to my son.

Originally it's a German lullaby of 18th century, but it was adopted by Russians and became very well known.

The text of the lullaby ''Sleep, my joy, fall asleep'' (lyrics by S. Sviridenko, music by W.A.Mozart)
Текст колыбельной песни "Спи, моя радость, усни!" (слова С. Свириденко, музыка В.А. Моцарта)
Спи, моя радость, усни! / Sleep, my joy, fall asleep!
В доме погасли огни; / The lights went dark in the house;
Птички затихли в саду, / The birds got quiet in the garden,
Рыбки уснули в пруду. / The fish fell asleep in the pond.
Месяц на небе блестит, / The moon is shining in the sky,
Месяц в окошко глядит... / The moon is looking through the window...
Глазки скорее сомкни, / Close your eyes quickly,
Спи, моя радость, усни! / Sleep, my joy, fall asleep!

В доме все стихло давно, /Everything got quiet in the house since a long time,
В погребе, в кухне темно, / It's dark in the cellar and in the kitchen,
Дверь ни одна не скрипит, / No door is creaking
Мышка за печкой спит. / A mouse is sleeping behind the stove.
Кто-то вздохнул за стеной... / Somebody has sighed on the other side of the wall
Что нам за дело, родной? / but how do we care, darling?
Глазки скорее сомкни, / Close your eyes quickly
Спи, моя радость, усни! / Sleep, my joy, sleep!

I hope you didn't fall asleep while listening )))

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