A little update on my alternative client for DSound and some thoughts about my DTube Avalon leader node

in #dsound5 years ago

Yesterday I was able to implement the tabbed interface which will be used on my DSound alternative client for the Android operating system. I am trying to keep it as native as possible while Google keeps putting rocks on the road so developers use libraries in order to maintain compatibility with older versions. But I achieved it, finally. This week I should be able to implement the feed of followed users. Next week I should be implementing some improvements on the UI and the next one adding extra code. I expect to be trying myself the internal alpha/pre-beta version on October and release it in November.

Some of you may already know that I am also trying to become a DTube Avalon Leader -the witness equivalent on that new chain-. Today I was very surprised to see that my votes have been multiplied by six, from 72 to 419. Whoever have voted for me: THANK YOU!

Now that I am again into the middle range of the first 20 nodes, I have also started to think that I should also begin looking about what I could provide to the community in exchange of their support. I am currently adding bug reports into the DTube Avalon. Well, I normally comment into the DTube Discord channel, but most of the times I am directed to create the report there.

One idea I have in my mind is the one I have had there since at least one year ago. This time I am going to avoid "reveal announcement drama". It would be a site for DTubers to look their statistics in a way they could improve the way they add content to DTube. I know serious content creators on DTube would appreciate it. They ask for it from time to time.

My idea was to provide a free layer of service and then some pay-per-use layer of products. The paid ones would be in the range of less than 5 STEEM per month per account for the full suite of services. But, that's only one idea. There is no implementation of it, although I am already playing a little bit querying my own Avalon node.

And... Thank you for reading me.


Te voté hace tiempo de testigo en dtube, no sé si seguirá siendo válido con los cambios.

Lo he preguntado y me han dicho que no. El voto no se mantiene en la mainnet y la testnet la reiniciarán también. Por si te interesa, tengo intención de mantener mi nodo funcionando cuando activen la mainnet

pues habrá que volver a empezar entonces

Por cierto no es mañana la venta de tokens de dtube??? cómo lo ves? no lo he seguido mucho.

Sí. Mañana a las 20. La veo algo sobrevalorada, Como todas las ofertas iniciales.

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