
I believe, that the latest numbers are much higher. The last official numbers I saw were 76 by 14 years old, but I believe it is past 80 now.

People are stranger than fiction to me. If I insult someone on something not of importance, I say I do not like a song or a picture they posted, I get lots of abuse as they explode in rage....but if I provide them proof so that they see their family (and themselves) are being poisoned, made sick, sterilised having their brains damaged so that they can never live a normal life - rage? nada, nope, nothing, they just blankly stare at me and shrug as they turn away.

But kick their puppy and they'll beat the shit out of you (not that I've done it)

'It is not the dead that need resurrecting, it is the living.'

80 shots of poison now? I don't get why people can't see the connection with the number of health problems in the young that either no one or the very old normally, or used to get. cancer from 1 in 100 to 1 in 2.5 or is it 2 now?

stay away from the modern world. or 'be in the world but not of it.'

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