Too many doomsday criers [Day 18¼]

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

Too many doomsday criers

original spoken-word poetry
with reading on @dsound
featuring art created by Gabriel Barbabianca


near_the_end_by_ellixus-d6pospn 3.jpg

.:My recitation:.
.:Is on @dsound:.

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near_the_end_by_ellixus-d6pospn 2.jpg

Too many doomsday criers

Through the cognizance of fading standards,
The urgency unveiled of needed change,
Serpent-tongued expressions of folly
Waterfalling from parched lips
Into a fountain near-infinite.

"May these meanderings
Provoke rumination &
The discarding of
Ignorant notions."

This I hope.

And with this bold intention
I approach thee,
Issuing an invitation
Into transcendence of the limits
Of distortions believed:
Dualities firmly petrified in the mind.
Now to be magmified.

Nocturnal beasts burned into blindness by light:
Sisyphus' progeny of saboteurs
Roaming the earth senseless inheriting
Icarus' lethal hubris reincarnated.

For a new age to meet
This fabled demise in
Stylish, new ways!

Universality is ignored, even abhorred,
While they revel in the wonders of relativism.
Decadent, indulging gem of
Many-splendoured misery:

Thou hast hypnotized the populace
With the elevation of mediocrity
To the main position.

Atop the pedestal of decrepit value,
Some sing of nightmares or
Horror stories or
What have you.

Some are paralyzed,
Mute for the time being.
While others suspect nothing
In the summer of their infancy
Here to revel in the endless wonders
Of love through physicality.

Can beauty be extinguished?
The truth be overturned?
Will excellence go unrecognized,
Self-destructive tendencies
Reduce humanity to dust atomic?
Or shall we overcome our shortcomings
And go into a quantum age,
Dynamically morphing supersonic?

Vast potentiality, I invoke thee:

"O common birthright, O divine, flow!
To every human spirit, heart, mind
& soul unconditional love now bestow."

For after every era of chaos and despair
There is a golden age of enlightenment
Which must follow, ineffably expansive
In which humanity outgrows its chysalis
And embraces its destiny exceedingly rare.


burning_suns___leviathan_homeworld_by_ellixus-d7u09an 3.jpgdeparture_by_ellixus-daq6znp 2.jpg

Written & spoken
By @d-pend
Art by
Gabriel Barbabianca

1 — "Near the end"
2 — "Leviathan homeworld" [cropped]
3 — "Departure"

departure_by_ellixus-daq6znp 3.jpgburning_suns___leviathan_homeworld_by_ellixus-d7u09an 2.jpg



Very impressive and soul touching poem @d-pend

Thank you very much @munawar1235 🙏 I'm glad it was soul touching for you

The desire to survive is floating in the dark,
Dreams return to living bodies,
Dark shyness gets naked in my nude,
Trouble in the pain,
Strong doubts arise
I ..................
I am human

What am i human

thanks for @dsound

This is indeed, a relevant poem. It is one of those works that, a decade later, I will read and say @d-pend had his finger on the pulse. We have some difficult times ahead. Change is never easy. The birth of something new is almost always messy. Another world is possible. I just wonder if we will make it.

This is real food for the soul. Deserves another read and ponderance.

I'm grateful for your kind words @cryptoprofessor :-) 🙏

Very interesting to read and hear most fascinating poem sharing @d-pend. Pretty impressive lyrics and art works gives us most inspiration. Words usage amazing and keep best place.
Great effort to introduce community.

This is amazing, I mean this by far has a direct reflection more simplified and very understood, I think you're really simplifying your poems these days to to clearer
I like it
I'd still go over the rhymes and rhythms one more time

Killer words man. Love that prose.

spoken piece.... piece for the wise. i'm pondering on this. being humane

"O common birthright, O divine, flow!
To every human spirit, heart, mind
& soul unconditional love now bestow."

I love this! There is nothing like unconditional love.. plus it sounds like a line from a hymn. I love the spoken word to. Kudos @d-pend

Thank you so much @nmalove! Yes, it was intended to be prayer-like. Of course, you speak the truth regarding unconditional love. This entire reality is nothing but universal love energy, in permutations of endless diversity.

Can beauty be extinguished?
The truth be overturned?

A quite deep meaning, made me thingking about that for a long time.

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