Learn Portuguese with Cris #43

in #dsound6 years ago

Hello guys!

How are you today? I'm @crissimoes and this is my forty third post here on @dsound! Are you ready for another class?

Today will be the fourth part of the lesson about Food Vocabulary Lessons.

Today I will teach you the Vegetables in portuguese!

Let’s get started!

  • Vegetais/Legumes – Vegetables
  • Cebola – Onion
  • Batata – Potato
  • Batata doce – Sweet potato
  • Alho – Garlic
  • Cenoura – Carrot
  • Tomate – Tomato
  • Brócolos – Broccoli
  • Beterraba – Beet
  • Berinjela – Eggplant
  • Rabanete – Radish
  • Cogumelo – Mushroom
  • Ervilhas – Green peãs
  • Pepino – Cucumber
  • Milho – Corn
  • Alface – Lettuce
  • Couve-flor – Cauliflower
  • Mandioca – Manioc
  • Feijão – Beans
  • Pimentos – Peppers
  • Nabo – Turnips
  • Grão de Bico - Chickpeas
  • Espinafre – Spinash
  • Courgette – Zucchini
  • Aspargo – Asparagus
  • Alcachofra – Artichoke
  • Feijão preto – Black beans
  • Repolho – Cabbage
  • Soja – Soy

Let’s make some sentences:

  • Os vegetais são muito saudáveis. – The vegetables are very healthy.
  • Eu adoro cogumelos. – I love mushrooms.
  • A Joana não gosta de grão de bico. Joana doesn’t like chickpeas.

We have come to the end of another Portuguese Class.

If you have any question please let me know in the comments bellow.

Hope you have enjoyed my forty third post here on @dsound and I’m looking foward to see you next time!


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