
What is the most significant thing you look forward to for this new Malaysia?

Freedom of speech to voice out and stand for truth. What about you?


I love the fact how so many people feel they can write and express themselves on social media and on Steemit after the election.

For me, what I appreciate most significantly is

  • Leadership we can look up to.
    Najib's leadership had always been my major concern for the country because his example sets the tone for the entire nation to follow.

    In this election, it took an entire nation to refuse Najib's blatant abuse of power, 'cash-is-king' rhetoric and you-can-get-away with any misdeed with zero accountability.

    To me, Najib did not love his country.
    He didn't care about the next generation.
    Just a few days ago, Malaysia felt like a place where nothing the government ever said or did can be trusted without a significant hustle taking place on the sides. Everything was about the pursuit of money and personal gain. Every cause was just for show.

    The new government is comprised with individuals who have spent years and decades, risking their lives and some incarceration to fight for causes above themselves.

    It is this service to others and humanity beyond money that I appreciate and look forward to the most from this new government.

And it's time to refresh, regroup, rethink, refocus and take MASSIVE action forward!!!

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