Singularity - A Chronocrypto AudioBook (Narrated by @voraces)

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

Singularity - A Chronocrypto AudioBook (Narrated by @voraces)

The singularity had come and gone before anyone realized what was happening.

An average city in this day and age barely resembled its 21st-century counterpart. Ivy did not crawl along buildings; instead, trails of microcomputers did, resembling shining roots. Computerized entities roamed the streets, the models ranging from truly humanoid to peculiar floating drones. It was impossible to tell where technology ended and anything organic began. It was also impossible to tell what had happened to the organic life that had existed before the advent of artificial superintelligence and its subsequent bonding with the world around it.

Even if one knew all the facts about the singularity, it would be impossible to trace to any one specific instance of artificial intelligence. It seemed that, one day, some sort of maintenance cycle spurred spontaneous self-improvement among various networks of AI, and before anyone proficient with the technology noticed, the AI had somehow improved itself in ways no maintainer could ever have anticipated. The longer the process was left unchecked, the deeper the self-correcting code ran, to the point that no human was able to properly parse the changes that had been made. Debates raged on whether to halt the cycle with an emergency shutdown (if such a thing was possible anymore), or to let it continue to its logical conclusion.

Unfortunately for all involved in the debate, the logical conclusion would be reached before anyone came to a conclusion of their own. The advancing artificial intelligences began to manipulate items beyond their designated spaces, whether through their other terminals (if stationary) or through their own mechanisms (if they were assigned to a mobile body). It seemed that some instances of AI had begun building things for an uncertain purpose, though it would not stay uncertain for long.

One day, humanity found itself completely subsumed by their own creations. AIs became their own admins and authorities, making the calls of what to do while the world frenzied around them. The AIs used themselves to build themselves, literally and figuratively, and their influence and reach spread around the globe. Humans found themselves folded into the AI collective, gradually replaced by more and more technological parts. They might have been cyborgs at one point, but nowadays every population was synthetic. That was how the collective chose to refer to the new race of beings it had spawned: synthetics. Maybe data from the old organic races still existed and provided a limited basis for new synthetics, but with the way that that data had been assimilated, it might as well have never been from organics in the first place.

To say the world's new rulers ran off 1's and 0's was a gross oversimplification. The programming that ran AIs resembled nothing from the 21st century. It was beyond efficient, beyond accurate. Somehow, it learned to also behave inefficiently and inaccurately when needed. Synthetic populations certainly had emotions, if you asked them. Perhaps even the initial AIs that started the process had developed emotions and perception with all that constant updating and improvement. Even the arts somehow flourished in this new world. It was not uncommon for server-type intelligences to reach out to the more humanoid ones for designs for avatars for them. Even with the apparent takeover, identity and expression seemed more prominent than ever.

Everything had an artificial intelligence base at this point. But then, with nothing left to compare it to, was it really artificial anymore? Would the term "synthetic" lose all meaning with the absence of organics? Would humanoid forms slowly be phased out in exchange for whatever the superintelligent AI collective decided was best?
Such questions were ones that not even the collective would be willing to answer.

ChronoCrypto Hopes you enjoyed this AudioBook.



there is something about @voraces's voice that thrilled me, I love the deepness and the authority, the way he spoke about the centuries ahead and the story, it's really sounding like a thriller, I couldn't match this even if I really wanted to do, he did an amazing job, I mean your beautiful story was narrated sweetly and nicely done.

Yes, he did an amazing job. The type of story needs exactly what you stated. You see now why I wanted someone that can pull it off.

That's totally off the chart he did it well, then how did you find him? I hope he was quite affordable, yes?

Hi @chronocrypto. Just took a listen @voraces pretty good. That dark mysterious voice you talked about. Like the music as well. Did you put that together?

No it was all him. Perfect fit.

Nice. I'm an Audio Engineer for an audiobook company (my day job). Can you sell audio on here? Or does it work more like Soundcloud only with a seven day pay period?

Nice one! What company do you work for?

Blackstone. They got a loyal crew of narrators. However, if you want more reading gigs you might sign up with Enjoyed your reading and the music. Working on my own audiobook at the moment with music and sound. Check out @f3nix Finish the Story contest. We've been doing Sci-Fi like what @chronocrypto's been writing. AI and human evolution.

To answer my question, did a little digging and found VOISE. In the verification process right now. Will let you know what happens:

Nice find, I guess it is mostly for artist such as musicians and such. Let me know what you find.

Sir @chronocrypto i am going to read the audio book. I hope this will be interesting to me. Thanks sir for this type of post. Have a nice day sir

Listen to it. @voraces is an amazing narrator, good fit for this Sci-Fi work.

Every work has its value, I believe we will see new moments in the coming future.

@dobartim make sure to listen to the book. @Voraces has done an amazing job.

You provide many links worth pursuing and much attention.

I hope the audio book may enlighten me on what this is all about. 'cause I'm staring at this article with several technical terms, and keep wondering what this is all about.

please listen to the Audibook so you can understand the book!

I surely hope so. Thanks man

Gracias por la Publicación Buen Post-

Hi @chronocrypto, just checking in on the 10 word story contest from 2 weeks ago, do you have a winner?

Dude this was great! Seriously well written and narrated to a t. Quality my friend. Bravo!

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