Another One - Audio

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

Four score and seven months ago (roughly translated to about two years ago) I was in a band called Andolino with @yumyumseth and a few other gents, and I loved traveling around playing music with my friends. I also used to run a small recording studio in my basement where I would record tons of songs. Mostly I would record myself, but recorded numerous bands and singer/songwriters as well. In fact, I recorded an EP for @danieldyemusic down there a few moons ago. I had the benefit of living with a few other musicians so we had the full setup. Drums, multiple guitar amps, bass amps, lots of microphones etc etc. Despite being in a basement with low ceilings, it was about as much as I could ask for.

As aforementioned, I recorded a ton of stuff myself. I really never did it to release into the public, but more as a way to create something just for the fact that it was fun. I didn’t have to worry about other people or what they would think, which made it really fun. I now live in a small apartment, so I can’t set up a studio area for very long nor do I think my neighbors would appreciate any loud noises like my squawking. I never really planned to release my personal music into the world, but a few years ago I found a subreddit that was based off of critiquing other redditors music, so I decided to submit a few songs. I was really surprised that some people actually enjoyed a few of the songs, which was more than I really expected. I then released a few of my favorite songs on Soundcloud, but never publicized it anywhere other than that subreddit. All of this to say, I miss playing music. I look forward to the day when I can have access to a place where I can set up a recording area to record random things I think of, or when a friend wants to record music every now and then. I especially hope it can be in the comfort of my own place.

Anyways, this is one of my personal favorite songs that I’ve done, and at the behest of @yumyumseth I’ll at least share this song. This song was made years ago after someone close to me went through a divorce. It was one of the first times that I had been directly affected by a divorce, and honestly, I was really disappointed and pissed off. I never really had to deal with that so close to home before, and it hurt. It felt like they just gave up after a few years, too lazy to actually try (which wasn’t necessarily the case). Obviously, I’m not going to get into specifics, but that’s what it felt like to me on the outside.

Truthfully though, it was a big growing step for me. Sure it sucks, it’s terrible, but so is a suffocating relationship. Fast-forward a few years, and the person close to me is much happier, and seems to be enjoying life much more than those years before. This isn’t in any way advocating separation from an SO, but simply put I’m happy for him now. I’m happy he’s happy now. I’m happy he made it out to the other side, and is able to be himself again. And I’m happy he’s taking chances again.

And hey, here's to taking chances to things I've shared with only a few people in my life. I hope you enjoy.

Another One

It started out in Fall, under the October sky
We took our hearts, and put them to use
Life was there, and it was then. Though the words we didn’t say [would come out anyway]

We will love each other ‘til, ‘til our love runs cold
I will love you ‘til another comes in to my sights
Our home was always just a house anyway
We will not forget each other, we still have the scars

The start was worthy, but the journey was rot
We learned to synthesize ‘til our hearts were shot
Maybe a little work, maybe a little wait [maybe]
We could have saved this thing, but there’s no way a sunken ship could float on all right

We will love each other ‘til, ‘til our love runs cold
I will love you ‘til another comes in to my sights
We took our vows and we honored them for six long years
We will not forget each other, we still have the scars

Was our promise to each other
Just a substitute for sex and security?

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Yeah dude! Glad you posted! Seriously love your dulcet tones, and this is such a smooth, enjoyable song. Also, it makes it even more interesting to know the backstory!

Dulcet Tones, never heard that one before haha. But thanks Yum.

Dude this is awesome! I'll be totally honest I was apprehensive to listen to this purely because I wouldn't want to put someone down, or bullshit them. I put it on and said that to my wife, then almost straight away changed my tune. It helps that it's just the kind of music I love and you've got an awesome voice! My favourite artist of about 13 years is Dallas Green, loved Alexisonfire but really love City and Colour. I pretty much fully coerced my wife into having 'We found each other in the dark' as our first dance at our wedding. It's a different tone to yours but there's something really similar in there. Would love to hear more dude!

I can totally see that Dallas Green comparison!

Hey man, I honestly appreciate that. I was very hesitant to post it since I am much more confident in other things, but it's probably good for me to just get things out and not keep everything to myself, and not necessarily worry about what other people think as much. At least, I'm trying to get better at that :)

But yeah man, I really really love Dallas Green. Alexisonfire was ok, but City and Colour is just flat out amazing (especially his old stuff).

You're welcome dude, genuinely really enjoyed it!

Ah awesome, I've seen him live quite a few times over the years, first with Alexis then C&C, just love how much he puts into it. Massive man crush for the dude!

The one time he was in Columbus was last year, and I was shooting a wedding video. a stab in the throat, he was with Noah Gundersen as well. Two of my favorites, and here I am just eating cake. Waaa.

Ah man! Gutted! I'd have told the couple job was off, it's Dallas time! Or not, I'd have done the wedding and been grumpy all day, cake or no!

Great listen. Your guitar tone is really good... how did you record if i may ask? Did you run direct to console through like an amp sim or was that off microphone? Either way it was a great recording and very well done all the way around.

Thanks for putting yourself out there. Peace

Thank you! For this track I used my little Steinburg UR22 as my interface (Cubase as the DAW). I used the Blue Woodpecker for the overall acoustic guitar sound and the Shure SM7B for getting the clarity near the neck of the guitar. Used the Shure up close for my vocals, and then the Woodpecker about a foot back to get a more rounded vocal, and mixed those two. Then a Shure 57 on the electric guitar amp.

Nice. I've got both the Steinberg UR44 and a UR22 (one for home, one to travel) and find them pretty darn capable. And I'm shooting a bit of envy your way that you have a Shure SM7B - I used to own one and then several cross country moves later, don't any longer. Often find myself thinking its time to get it back, because frankly I think it has one of the warmest sounds of any dynamic mic I've ever used, especially for vocals... Anyway, thanks... as i said, i'm always curious about how people set themselves up for recording. I used to do quite a bit more, but time and life... well yeah, time and life. Take care.

Yeah, the UR22 is an awesome little bugger. I find I usually use it more than the big interface I have.

And I couldn't agree more about the Shure, especially for male vocals. It just somehow captures a good strong male voice better than any other mic I've ever used. I'm far from professional, but I can tell the difference quite easily.

And I also couldn't agree more about time and life, ha. I really need to make time for making random musical endeavors, just...time and life get in the way.

That’s cool. What instruments do you play?

Thanks man. As far as actually play/am decent at, that would be guitar and drums and piano. I've dabbled in other stuff, but I would not say I'm near proficient on other instruments.

I really like that. It's nice to hear you stretching your vocal cords again! I can definitely hear echoes of Andolino in this piece. Good work!

Well, to be fair this was not recorded recently, so I haven't stretched those cords in a while, unfortunately. But thanks Juans!

Beautifully sad tune man, really enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for depressing sounding music lol. Phenomenal work.

Thanks @harrisonmir. I'm with you. Sad music is the music I come back to time and time again.
Also, thank you for the kind words. I truly appreciate that.

Sounds beautiful. You did an amazing job. :)

Thank you for listening!

@aweber, I'm so much in love with your story, especially the piece at the end... .i just added few lines to it.... Thanks for making my evening great

We will love til our love run cold
we will love til our scars no more
we will love til the sky say clamp down
we will love until we make a home down there

Great addition! Thanks for your input!

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