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RE: All Assets Are Now Deployed By The [DS], Big Push Coming Soon:Bix Weir

in #ds4 years ago

Funny and rather odd that sheeple like you never mention the possibilities of printing our own money , trade & barter , gold & silver as alternatives ❓🤔 Hummmm . I think that is because you’re all compromised in some way or do not have our best interest at heart . Its interesting when I hear many of you who talk about a “PLAN” and the fictional character “Q” as if though you know . LOL 😂 How stupid and gullible do you think we have become⁉️We’re taking notes , and assessing value to properties for repossession . We aren’t stupid and many of us have ties in the military . They’re a volunteer army . They’re not going to betray this nation to preserve the wealth of the queen 👸 🇬🇧 and her horde of inbred rats . We will prevail as we always do and incarcerate and liquidate those involved in treason and sedition and the world will applause 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


@surveyor1 Uh, you must have just come recently to x22report. Dave covered the printing our own money and gold and silver a while back.

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