[Drugwars] - Little management guide for your empire

in #drugwars5 years ago (edited)

As like every browser game which requires 'real' time (literally) to upgrade your buildings and stack your resources, becomes increasingly important to decide early how do you manage your production in order to maximize your progress and don't spend resources in unnecessary upgrades.

Also in @drugwars.

In this post I'll explain you 2 possible ways of focusing your production and what I'm personally doing.


'Fleeters' and 'Turtles'

Getting the 'fleet' & 'turtle' names from Ogame, we can get the two possible outcomes for our empire from these words.

Basically a fleeter is a type of player who prioritizes the production of units before the resource buildings.

It's a high risk & high reward strategy, because you depend solely in your army to get the most of your production (basically you steal from other players).
You can scale faster than other players, but if you get destroyed it may be hard to recover. It also requires a lot of time in front of the computer.

On the other side, a turtle is a player who focus almost all their resources into improving their production & protecting it.

It's a bit slow at the beginning, but once you get a bit of traction it pays off. Turtle players doesn't need to spend a lot of time in the computer, as the game takes care of itself. They usually scale ranks slower compared with 'fleeter' players but more securely. We can say that these kind of players only rely in their own economy. And because the resource buildings cannot be destroyed or downgraded (at least yet!!), A crack house upgraded it's a crack house secured.

What I personally do:

drugwars production.png

As you can see I'm increasing gradually all my resource production (not just drugs, because eventually I'll only be able to upgrade through STEEM tokens and I'll have to catch up with the weapons&alcohol).

I'm a turtle, yes, and given the fact that a strong economy are rewarded with STEEM daily as a reward, I find pointless to invest in troops right now.

**Surely the metagame will be changing rapidly and more features will be added gradually, so all of this can change in the blink of a eye. So, take care before making any financial decision.

*Full YOLO into drugs production in 3...2...1.. (as long as isn't consumption that's fine uh?)


Yep, a single Rowdy it's protecting my fast-growing empire. Enough for now, I promise!

My little 'life-hack' as a Druglord:

But obviously it isn't as simple as it seems.
I have a 'secret' strategy:

Not being a juicy objective for army focused druglords.

And How i achieve this?

Through Storages.


Currently all my storages are at lvl5 (And I'm always struggling to keep'em upgraded).
I recognise that they are 'boring' buildings to level up.

They're not giving any 'instant' perk like for example the operation center (+0,5% production INSTANTLY), but they do a great job discouraging enemy attacks as they increase your SAFE amount, a predefined amount of resources (25% If I remember correctly) which are not possible to steal.

E.G. Given my current production (~78K for every resource) and my current storage levels (39K), I can guarantee that I won't be attacked in the next ~12 hours if I waste all my resources NOW.

Now tell me: Why anyone would attack me without an economical incentive?

The answer it's obvious.

Nobody is attacking if the attacker have virtually 0 chance to grasp anything. (Let aside personal reasons).

With this current balance, I can check the game 2 times a day without any fear of being raided. (The peace of mind pays off! Some people get hardly addicted checking these games when frankly, isn't necessary as the own game have a compatible play style with a regular job/life).


It's simple, If you want to grow slowly but surely in Drugwars, don't forget about storages!
Also take in consideration that the game is fairly new and some things will be changing very fast.

All in all, hopefully the main points of this post won't change.

Hope you enjoy Drugwars as I do.

If you enjoyed this post and you're not playing yet, I would appreciate a lot if you register under my reflink:


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