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RE: Turn-Based Pattern Block Combat + @drugwars Adaptation

in #drugwars5 years ago

Holy mother of god, the amount of content, knowledge and work in just one post! I'm changing this year to programming, and one of the things that I aim for is creating blockchain games in the future, reading this was a wonderfull experience! Ur angle/square/hexagon combat system is very complex but also simple to use... Some of the best games around are just like this... simple but also hard! CSGO is simple for example, you just click and shoot, not really that hard to grasp, just like LoL, just buy stuff and use ur abilities... really simple, NOPE! To get pro at both of these games you have to learn economy, ward placement, angles, grenade placement, communication with your team, etc... Blockchain based games should be just like this! Especially since money is involved!

I never got much into WoW action house, I did however get into Guild Wars 2 action house and a little of EvE online market too... I was the poorest guild member on GW2 and after a few weeks I was the richest! Just flipping items for a small return... those were days! I was playing and getting lots of money through selling stuff on the action house!

Got a couple of questions for u, not related to the post:( I think I asked them before, but it's been months xD )

  1. Where did you learn how to code
  2. What language do you find the best to start with? Python? C?

I'm one class away from a computer science degree. The class I'm missing is Rhetoric Writing 102... so I pretty much have a college education. However, I have no respect for school. The idea of paying for a piece of paper to work for the man sickens me.

I learned Java and C++ first. C is a very bad and complicated language to learn unless you want your program to be super optimized and fast. Most applications that you program yourself will never have to be this optimized. C is very memory management oriented while higher level languages do it all for you automatically. Garbage collectors make everything simpler but they are less efficient.

Python is probably hands down the best language to learn first. JavaScript and languages connected to it like Typescript are super useful if you want to directly connect to HTML frontends. Python is one of the slowest languages but that inefficiency is leveraged into simplicity, making it a very smart first pick.

Thanks for the info! I'll start with Python and maybe head to Java and C++...BTW, you wrote adaptation wrong in the title xD You wrote adaptaion

ha, oops.

There are a lot of people out there that hate Java and consider it a dead language... even though it is the foundation of Android.

Honestly JavaScript and friends are where it's at imo.

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