DRUGWARS on the brink of hitting the wall big time! Or: It's the economy stupid!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #drugwars6 years ago

Drugwars is a very good example of problems that many crypto projects encounter.
The first idea is great, execution is OK, UI, graphics, and actual coding is sound..
However most teams have NO economic experience at all...
From the most recent actions by the drugwars team (and also by some extent by the steemmonsters team) it is IMHO obvious that non of the core team members even has the slightest touch of economics 101...
.. not speaking about real cryptoeconomic experience... and that is even more demanding than "normal" economics...

you need to have basic economic and business administration knowledge, experience with financial markets and with online marketing...

so what did they do wrong in my humble opinion?
1.) the general idea with a reward pool / kickback mechanism is great, however payout and pool have to be sustainable..
a 0.5% / 0.5% daily (or even less) payout would have secured the reward pool sustainability for at least three month, kept some hot money away and would have induced daily increasing payouts due to new inflows.
2.) reliability: core economic components of a game must not be changed arbitrarily!
In any computer game while advancing in the game the human brain is stimulated by an reward effect. This can be new quests, more power, better weapons, etc.. or as in this case steem...
If you take away the prior given rewards and do not replace it by a better reward - which is exactly what you did, you replaced steem by hot air - the whole game is broken...
3.) Introducing of new rewards / own crypto currency..
while you keep to the old payout you could have gradually implemented your new token by issuing it on top of the steem rewards, or for quests, missions, ranking...
and only if you see that it is accepted by your customers and has some real value you can introduce it gradually and replace the steem rewards in little steps..
4.) do not forget your core product.. this is a social strategy mmog...
the battle system is still completely screwed up, major components are still not working (gang system), and there is a lack of strategic depth and fun in the game...
IMHO 95% of players active atm are here for the steem rewards.. if you want to change this then build a better game.
if your core product isn't running smoothly do not change other working components...

seriously you had a great idea, fine coding and UI.. with an amazing start (7,000 users) but you are about to screw it up big time!
Listen to your customers!
If you want advice ask them (or me)... nearly all ideas wrote down into the drugwars blog are better than what you guys did and are about to do!


Dear @solarwarrior

Yet another excellent publicaion buddy. A bit to old to upvote. :(

However most teams have NO economic experience at all...

That seem to be very common problem. Whenever I learn about any new ICO or I even read about some existing cryptos - I found it hard to understand most of business models that are behind those projects.

Again, great read buddy. enjoy upcoming week :) ps. do you hate mondays as many people do? or you dont care? just wondering.

Also would you mind sharing what do you do for living? Something related to marketing and economy? or perhaps blockchain and programming? just curious



tough one.. depends on the project you are working on.. normal work style: bad monday.. conquer the world together stile: was there a weekend?
do you have an email where I can contact you?

got it... you have it on your profile..

Dear @solarwarrior

I'm sorry for such a late reply. Past few days has been quite crazy-busy. I also received your email and will reply ASAP.

Thank you for reaching out to me.

Yours, Piotr

Having played Mafia Wars on Facebook until I was at a dizzyingly high level, (Which is pretty much what DrugWars is based upon) I have a good understanding of how the game should grow, totally agree with the 'If it's not broke don't fix it' part of your blog and yes, they are going through a steep learning curve of getting this game right, hopefully they will listen to what the people want and not to try to fix things that are not broke but concentrate on a sustainable (and addictive) gaming platform.

sorry.. have only now seen it.. THX for your feedback...

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