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RE: Don't Understand the Outrage Drug Wars and Magic Dice

in #drugwars6 years ago

Interesting take on the current state of Steem G. You are certainly not wrong - but perhaps a little harsh.

Sidechains and add-ons are going to be commonplace in blockchain. No avoiding this and the trust we will need to place in developer - but not much different to any other business / investment really.

When you hand over your cash there is always a risk you will not get it back. And such is life.


Posted using Partiko Android


I know it was a little harsh, but just feel like it needs to be said. Not all dapps are going to be scams, but come the next bull market their is going to be a lot of incentive for scammers to come back out because there will be a lot of potential money to be made.

Even if one person, after reading this, doesnt invest in something out of the gate that turns out to be a scam writing this will be worth it.

I was tired and rambling last night. If I could have rewritten this my point would be to not jump all in on these new projects to slowly build up your investment. That way you can both be an early investor and only loose a small amount if the project goes belly up.

Maybe Im just a salty crypto "old guy" thats seen too many projects just cut and run and yelling at the new kids to get off my grass.

Posted using Partiko Android

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