Drugwars - The prize pool explained in details

in #drugwars5 years ago (edited)


What is the pool ?

The pool is the fraction of the steems from the ingame purchases (plus the beneficiary rewards of the voted posts) redistributed to the players.

How does that pool work ?


Each time a player chooses to buy an instant upgrade, or an instant troops recruitment, he pays in steem.
This payment is divided in 20% for the game owners and 80% for the pool.

Each day, the daily prize is 6% of the pool content ( you do not see the total wallet content in game, only those 6%)
Half of it is distributed to the drug producers, while the other half is distributed to the heisters

How to get the money from the pool

Even if you play for free, you are elligible to the prizes.

DAILY: Upgrade your drug production buildings to earn a bigger share of the daily prize
HEIST : Pay the heisters with your drug, give them more drugs to earn a bigger share of the hold up.

An example ?

Let's say I Make an upgrade which costs me 100 steems.
20 steems will pay the devs and their infrastructure.
80 steems will go to the pool

But on the site you will not see the daily raised by 80 steems, no, you will see 4.8 steems more in the total daily prize, thus 2.4 in heist and 2.4 in daily.

The rest of the total pool will remain there until the next day, where another 6% of the total will be redistributed, etc ...

So, you get 80% of all the spends, distributed 6% per 6% along the days.

I must admit I consider that 80% of all spends seem a very nice redistribution to the players.

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