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RE: Drug Wars on Steem - Ultimate Beginners Game Guide

in #drugwars5 years ago

Your post is good. It explains some things I had worked out by now, but had to work out and reading this beforehand would have provided more information. My first fight was against someone with no units and with less resources than their safe amount. Yay I won! But I won nothing....

There is one thing with the game that you mention that I have an issue with though.
"Once the building is at level 1, you will see the current production as well as how much it will increase by upgrading it to the next level."

So this is intentional is it? The old one said what you would get from getting the building at all and this one seems to sometimes say it and sometimes not.... I was assuming the fact it didn't was a bug, but it appears to not say it more often than it does.

Regardless of if this is intentional or not, I think this is a big flaw. Knowing how much you will get out of buying that building at all affects your strategy in terms of if you upgrade the smaller one you already have or save up for longer and go straight to buying the bigger one. I've used that number to work out my strategy in regards to that in the past. I really think to get the best experience of the game and be able to use strategy in the best way possible, the next should be there even when the building isn't owned / is level 0. You need to know when to invest in the building in the first place.


They are constantly upgrading things. I’d expect the UI/UX to improve a lot over the next several weeks.

Yeah it does appear that way. I've noticed small changes over time. They now have put your balances back up the top with production under it again like in the old version, which I think is good. It's best not to have to click on your profile to see your production so I agree with that move on their behalf. The people behind it are showing to be good for updating and improving their game which is good.

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